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RE: Breaking Out Of The Bubble

in #resolution5 years ago

I've been stuck around 1900 followers as well. Just thought I was gaining a lot of followers from OCD and since that has been extended hiatus, I just figured that's why I'm not getting as much attention/followers.

If you want to check out some crypto social media you can check out

Minds (android app that I know of. More like facebook type social media)
PiePie (android app formerly Lit where you earn Mithril, think instagram of crypto) (website steemit on EOS, seems to have very small active users)
Investfeed (website android app twitter of crypto with some article posting ability, might be an ERC 20 token not sure)

If you have any questions on any of those let me know. From what I've seen most are dead with the exception of piepie, but you could start cross posting and building your brand on some of those others while things are slow. If you do sign up for any of those others ones let me know as I have an account on everyone.



Not a huge fan of that site. They do have some amazing content creators over there as they have been showing up once in a while to Steemit. There still one from that site still active in the community. I think he even started posting first to Steemit before minds.

For now I'm just happy with twitter. Some of my tweets are already getting 50-100+ impressions and I’m getting a random link clicks as well. Not a lot but I feel it's more then I get on steemit as it is.

I would rather go a little main stream here and try to build something up. If I end up making a website that would be even better for me having more main stream connections. Not something I would think be worth the operations costs right now. It would cost more than my yearly gaming budget is going be for 2019. I doubt I’ll ever earn enough in ads to recover the cost. There might be other options down the road to generate income from game reviews. That stuff is very pre-alpha in development right now from my understanding.

I know there a dapp for running a website and posting it to steemit. It be nice to have some non-crypto source to help recover my gaming expenses at some point.

It was my plan to expand and recover my gaming budget and make hardware upgrades. I was hoping by now for some bigger growth and to be moving towards that very long term goal. After all the time I've invested over past 20 months I'm just not seeing it.

It's also a goal for the community to at least break even on game reviews that we never talk about either. If your spending $59.99 per triple A title and a lot of time. That just never going work out in the current state of things ever. Unless you are going the Dtube route which they either love you or they never upvote a thing you do. There are other options here on Steemit they just take a lot of time to start seeing results and are not the kind of content we are interested in.

Thanks for the ideas and info though.

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