
in #resistance7 years ago

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take way too much time off writing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I have ‘nothing’ to write.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed points that I am facing to stop me from writing as much about other points.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed a point to affect me to the point where I don’t write about other points.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I’m incapable of writing out other points just because I’m struggling in a way with a certain point.

I see, realise and understand that every point is a journey in itself and a process in itself of overcoming and I see, realise and understand that I can absolutely and it will in fact assist me to walk through multiple points because they can easily be interconnected and can also show me things that I can use to overcome a larger point that I am facing and/or struggling with.

I commit myself to walk with and work with what exists in my life at that very moment in time, because it doesn’t matter what the point is or what it is in any way, shape or form, if it exists, it MUST be walked through, so I commit myself to give myself the opportunity to change me via each and every little point that comes up within me and every facet of the point that comes up within me to change, because process is about changing me as a whole, not just as 1 particular point or a couple particular points, it’s the thousands upon thousands of points that equate to the totality of me that I must change - there is no freeway that exists that I can steer and drive down to change me.

I commit myself to push through the resistances, I commit myself to push through the struggles. I commit myself to push when I am supposedly down and out for the count, when it seems like there’s no way out, where it seems dark, where it seems like I only have one choice and that is to avoid, to take my mind off things, to basically do ANYTHING except put in application or measures for my CHANGE and/or working on my change in some way, shape or form - but in the end all of these are vital and I can work on all of this stuff and so all of my points throughout the day to maximise my change as needed.

I commit myself to buckle down. I commit myself to sit down, no matter the uncomfortabilities, no matter all the potential happenings within my mind, no matter the pain, no matter the feeling, no matter…no matter what! And I commit myself to open up a word document, or to open up a book or get a piece of paper to write with, have my writing utensil/keyboard with me and just write, forgive myself, commit myself, realise myself, and change myself, because to not do this is to stay dormant. It doesn’t matter how difficult it may be, there is but one way of change and that is to apply myself NO MATTER WHAT IS GOING ON.

I commit myself also to not just write ‘some’ and see that ‘that is enough’ as a way of just writing and then using that ‘small’ amount of writing as justification that ‘I have written enough for today/for now and so can go and do other shit’
I see, realise and understand that this is harmful to ME, it is ABUSIVE TO ME, it is DISHONEST WITH ME.
I see, realise and understand that IN FACT, the more shit going on within me, the MORE I’ll have to write down. So if I am NOT writing heaps of shit down, then that is but one method of knowing I am not being self-honest with my writing and opening up of points to change me.

I commit myself to just jump straight into my means of change, that being the self-forgiveness, as opposed to times where I have written ABOUT the point/points in the possibility of writing self-forgiveness etc, but then doing very little or not at all - my change IS sf, not writing about the point. The writing is only needed when I need to investigate more, and even then, sf can do this for me where other shit opens up, but I see that sf is where it is AT, so again I commit myself to get straight into the sf as that is the application of change for me that I REQUIRE.

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