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RE: Turning White Fat to Beige Fat - New Disconfirming Evidence on IL-4 Contribution [Research]

in #research7 years ago

Sounds like a great scientific explanation for what Wim Hof espouses.

The Mercola web site has also published quite a bit of information (with cited research to back it up) on this topic.


mercola is a joke for science literates.

But here's an article from 2015 that pretty much says the same thing you are.
And the mercola articles always include citations.

anyone can throw a bunch of resources on their articles. and it's likely they'll catch a scientifically untrained (the majority of people). judging the quality of resources is another level of the game...

OK, as someone who apparently considers them self as a science literate, what are the quality of the references in that article?

I dont know. I don't look on that website. I'm blissfully ignorant. And I don't consider myself science literate, but just a little aware of the flaws in human psyche.

But isn't it "unscientific" to just discount something out of hand because you've heard things about the source that you've never looked to see if they were true or not?

The flaws in the human psyche are well known by many, that's why advertising works so well.

I followed that website for a long time - when I was more gullible, until I decided I should indefinitely ignore it. So, I kindof have a good idea of the quality of resources it cherry-picks. Should I be wrong and misjudge. I don't mind that.

I have what I consider better resources to feed my brain with...

I can respect that.

Understanding the world we live in, I always take things with a grain of salt as well and usually try to cross check as best I can.

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