How to monetize data with «RepuX»

in #repux6 years ago (edited)

“Great ideas come when the world needs them”. (Austin Phelps)

The main postulate of contemporary world is that information became a crucial and the most valuable resourse in the market. The amount of data is rising exponentially (from 10 zettabytes in 2015 to 180 zettabytes in 2025!). The problem is that the world market keeps using such a mass of information in a centralized and very ineffective way. If this situation changes the monetization of data will become the primary source of profit for persons or entities in the nearest future.

A marketplace «RepuX» offers a decision of this topical issue. So let’s discuss this company and consider whether it is a groundbreaking one.

In lots of countries small and medium-sized enterprises are known to be the backbone of the economy having an important position in the world market. Just imagine how much information generated by these enterprises goes unused in a modern information environment. In most cases a massive amount of data isn’t monetized at all, it’s usually just put on shelf or even deleted. By the way a commecial significance and value of data set are constantly growing, so there exist a number of companies, which are ready to buy these data to profit from.

For example, there is a vendor of medical equipment and medicines who wants to know where and when there is a high demand of medical goods. This information will help this company to prepare its financial plan more effectively and make much better offers to their partners. Medical institutions and pharmacies generate a large amount of statistical information consisting of demand’s data due to their usual daily work. But unfortunately this information finds its way into the archives and makes no profit.

Both the amount and the value of these data are growing faster and faster, but there are still few companies that own them. Only large companies are leaders and sort of monopolists in this field, while small and medium-sized enterprises have few data or are less experienced to use the data they possess. They have no fighting chance against huge companies as a result. Just imagine how much the effectiveness and the profitability of SMEs will increase, if these data are available for them!

The fundamental changes in the approach to working with this market segment are possible only if the market itself is transparent and data are accurate, unique and indeed useful. The idea offered by Repux is to use a blockchain platform that lets trusted users exchange data and sell them for Repux tokens.

«The Repux token (crypto-currency) is the medium of exchange and the only way to transact on the marketplace Repux.»

How will this system work?

Supplier companies anonymously sell their data and earn Repux tokens;

  1. Repux uses internal algorithms on the basis of blockchain and AI system which assigns ratings and reputation to the data;

  2. These data are used by developers to create apps;

  3. Developers sell their apps to different companies which use them to optimize their work and increase its effectiveness!

The platform Repux can be widely used in the modern world:

-Archive database (the promotion of archived data for a wide range of customers);
Ÿ- Big data (saving time and reduction in costs);
Ÿ- Advertisment (the set of customer’s behaviours)
Ÿ- eCommerce and international trade (an assessment of payments’ timeliness, an assessment of new supplier’s choice);
-Credit and micro-credit strategies (an assessment of risks on the basis of client’s transaction history).

The main goal of the platform is to implement a reliable and secure exchange protocol with a high bandwidth. This protocol can be integrated into different apps and programmes which are developed by outside coders for further use and implementation in different branches of business.

Innovative features of the system:

Ÿ Total transparency of data. Data don’t need to be controled by assessment bodies. System will use the Oracle Technology. Every transaction and assessment go through its internal AI system.

Ÿ The system of rating and reputation will be integrated into the protocol. It will be changed according to the results of every transaction.

Ÿ Working with smart-contracts (they provide instant payment by both users along with an incontestable proof of transaction).

Ÿ Openness in the system. Repux is developed in such a way, that modern scalable blockchain technologies can be implemented in it.

Why is this project worth attention at the stage of developing?

  1. The Repux market already exists! It isn’t waiting for any abstract ideas to sell tokens unlike another companies.

  2. There are millions of SMEs using Repux.

  3. Repux solves real problems in its field. At the moment vast majority of SMEs have few data or experience to use AI.

  4. Repux has a team of more than 15 highly experienced experts.

  5. Repux has an attractive and comfortable graphic design:

News about Repux:

If you’re interested in this project, click the links below and you’ll find all detailed technical documentation and answers to any question you have:



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P.S The author is not an expert in the field of blockchain technology and smart contracts and does not call for investing in any companies and projects. In making any financial decisions readers should always must rely on their own experience and understand all possible risks!

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