
Which reaction are you expecting to see?

You could make the argument that crypto and decentralized rep is a reaction to greed destabilizing the entire planetary economy.

You could also make the argument that crypto and decentralized rep will be met with the resistance of even more greed and bad actors.

Perhaps you're implying both?

Could swing either way, I do not have the answer to the question, I more asked it, than stated it, did I not?

You're quite the rebel. Question mark optional, Anarchist.

I am for freedom of choice, up to the individual to do as they wish, with no harm to another, classify me any way you wish, if it makes you feel better. :-)

Are you a submissive conformist? note I asked, not accused.

I know it was a question because you used a question mark that time. I've never heard that term, but it sounds self-explanatory.

Asking a question can still be accusatory if the question you're asking has a negative connotation. This is something you already know because you tried to hide your accusatory tone by noting it was, "Just a question." It only takes a few minutes scanning your blog to realize that you would tend look down on conformists.

If someone asks me if I'm, "... a fucking idiot?" and then follows it up with: "I was just curious, it's just a question," am I really supposed to take that seriously?

But to answer your question, "No."
I'm not a "submissive conformist" and I think my blog proves that a thousand times over.

I have not been offended yet. Hopefully you can say the same.


you stated =

You're quite the rebel.

It is a statement yes? not a presumption, eh no worries, I deleted over 50 people tonight, I am in search of excellence after all!

Nice! I unfollowed half of my guys but that was only 30 something.

Funny that I would follow you at the same time that you unfollowed me.

It is not only you, I unfollowed loads of people last might, all of which never talk to me, maybe we can try again.

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