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RE: Some Interesting Facts About Reputation on Steemit

in #reputation7 years ago (edited)

Well said, including your proposals on how to make reputation more reflective of what a person does here.

In my opinion, anything that takes reputation away from solely being determined by an upvote would be at least heading in the right direction. It seems like everything we do is either motivated by or determined by the upvote, be it mine, yours, or a bot's.

If reputation was at least split between the upvote so creators earn it, and actual curation (which resteeming would seem to be more of a natural curation process than upvoting) so curators earn it, in my mind it would be better than having everything lumped together.

As you say, self-upvoting should not affect your reputation. For that matter, neither should bots.

I don't know how all of this gets implemented, but I'm all for some kind of change that actually makes reputation valuable. It's kind of senseless to have it, or any other feature, that can simply be manipulated by the account itself.


Totally agree. It's kind of obvious that they wanted to help the established group defend against newcomers (possibly spammers) when they created this. It might have been fine for a temporary bandaid, but now it is one of the biggest problems with this platform.

Which is another way of saying each action has a reaction, or each fix has its own set of unintended consequences. Aren't there folks that are supposed to war game these things, play them out to their logical, or not-so-logical-since-humans-are-involved ends? It just seems like we're either a part of a grand experiment, where they're seeing what we will do so they can actually build the real platform, or they're just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks because they lost control a long time ago. Either way, it's frustrating to watch.

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