Will Republicans End Abortion?

in #republicans4 years ago (edited)

It would be nice if this was the end of Roe VS Wade and Doe versus Bolton. Regardless, when Republicans control the House & the Senate, if they don't pass pro-life laws and get rid of abortion this time, should we ever believe them on this issue again?


Republicans have controlled the presidency, the Supreme Court, the House and Senate before. Did they even try to end abortion? No.

Every year the Republican Party submits a token pro-life bill that was written by Congressman Duncan Hunter many years ago. They never intend on passing it. They submit it, shoot it down, and then blame it on the Democrats.

Somehow the American people don't realize they have been hoodwinked all these years.

I say it's time to wake up to what the Republicans have been doing to the pro-life movement. They have been stringing us along because they're afraid if they end abortion, we won't vote for them anymore.

I believe we should say to the Republican politicians if you don't end abortion, we will replace you with someone who will!

I have been in the pro-life movement for many years and have interviewed hundreds of congressmen, governors, senators, Republicans running for president and even Vice President Pence, when he was governor. Many of them are genuine, I really got the feeling they wanted to end abortion. I could tell many others were just using us for our vote.

If we don't let them know we will replace them if they don't actively try to end abortion they will never do it.


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