
Do you follow David Icke?

Of course. All reptilians follow him. Ha!


reptillian rule is very real. very. it will be a shock to mankind, wow.

I said kinninigan to a potential once... He was trying to pass me in a crowd and ive been around 80000 people all week all AMAZING but this felt weird, like he (and his girlfriend) wanted something. I put my hood up to ignore them and thought wait, lets hug it out and see if im just tripping or if this energy is really weird. we hugged it out and it was still totally weird. so i said "can you say kinninigan" but i was too afraid to look at his response so i turned my head to the right and waited for him to move on.. Thinking back I think it was a different kind of entity not necessarily a reptilian shape-shifter but i am no expert... Super tall, large long face, looked super interested and was kind of fucking with me. Crazy times at the Global Eclipse Gathering (Oregon Eclipse Festival) The one that really needed to hear kinninigan was unapproachable, naked and in a trance behind the crowd. Harvesting loosh energy? I thought I was the only one who was disturbed, but everyone around me in the crowd recognized something "wrong" in that entranced anomaly who was naked, and hugging people- the kid beside me asked for a hug because he felt that that "man" stole a piece of his soul. I hugged him and we blasted off. Long story short- thank yo- and Kinninigan for life!

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