Troll Hunter 20191219

in #report5 years ago

script + timer start

tracking pointless downvote trolls and money-wreckers
like it or not , this is not facebook, this is a reality here
Only in Utopia, the oppositions unemployed

in q world of always positive someone has to be the bad guy or the EVIL guys will take over OR ... else the universe will topple over to one side, it abhorrs vacuum but it also rejects extremes, EVERYTHING in space is falling to the centerfirst maybe to extend some thanks to
  1. despite everything and the fact that im seriously not down with apocalypse 21 and steemcleaners : @steemit , @themarkymark and @guiltyparties for battling at least part of this by removing the delegation on accounts that are clearly procured to do nothing but harm
  2. the people who built @updooter to counter the anti-sbi craze
  3. im hoping to find more plankton defense leagues in existence but with all the bla about community its certainly a lot more similar to walled-off weary warring tribes, what social network has words in its standard vocabulary like -retalliation- then? ...
  4. i sincerely believe downvoting is detrimental, buying your way up to counter makes the whole place worse and if anything a different kind of value attribution system would be a lot better than this divide et impera whos got mo money type of sh... crud
  5. suggestion : take your head out of your rear ... just a minute , pretend its not me talking and take a look at and ask yourself : do i see a recurring pattern in the very few provided like ... could steemauto perhaps do it share to , and who the hell is that witness? tyvm
  6. the idea is to add some sort of criteria so it doesnt keep listing accounts that stopped, probably %age based on the last x transactions (minibedroomserver, no node),that all remains to be seem and will be worked out by ZeroDesign(lolyes). I dont know enough about the witness system but from the few here, if thats a norm(or whats the name) its a clear attack on the already half-flaky de-centralized governance system (no ones stopping anyone from multiple accounting and witnessvoting themselves into heaven ... i dont want into policy but i could quote the last troll i met ... - i just want to protect my investment -
obviously work in progress

    account : bjiuko
    posting authorities : array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "" [1]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "steemauto" [1]=> int(1) } }
    0 vests
    delegated in : 0.000000 VESTS
    recovery account : steem
    age : 2019-09-17T12:54:12
    last account update : 2019-09-17T13:03:45
    lifetime number of posts : 1
    last post2019-09-17T13:08:30 days ago
    witness votes : array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "arcange" [1]=> string(11) "puncakbukit" }

    account : caboxte
    posting authorities : array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "" [1]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "steemauto" [1]=> int(1) } }
    0 vests
    delegated in : 0.000000 VESTS
    recovery account : steem
    age : 2019-09-17T12:38:09
    last account update : 2019-09-17T12:47:39
    lifetime number of posts : 1
    last post2019-09-17T12:50:24 days ago
    witness votes : array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "arcange" [1]=> string(11) "puncakbukit" }

    account : camillesteemer
    posting authorities : array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "" [1]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "steemauto" [1]=> int(1) } }
    7000 vests
    delegated in : 7000.000000 VESTS
    recovery account : steem
    age : 2018-03-12T16:52:45
    last account update : 2018-12-18T16:29:06
    lifetime number of posts : 516
    last post2018-05-20T08:00:30 days ago
    witness votes : array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "arcange" [1]=> string(11) "puncakbukit" }

    account : coininstant
    posting authorities : array(19) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "buildteam" [1]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "" [1]=> int(1) } [2]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(11) "coininstant" [1]=> int(1) } [3]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(13) "downvote-tool" [1]=> int(1) } [4]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "" [1]=> int(1) } [5]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "" [1]=> int(1) } [6]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(10) "firealiean" [1]=> int(1) } [7]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "firealien" [1]=> int(1) } [8]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(13) "" [1]=> int(1) } [9]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(13) "minnowbooster" [1]=> int(1) } [10]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(12) "" [1]=> int(1) } [11]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(16) "partiko-steemcon" [1]=> int(1) } [12]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "rewarding" [1]=> int(1) } [13]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(15) "" [1]=> int(1) } [14]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(16) "steem-bounty-app" [1]=> int(1) } [15]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "steemauto" [1]=> int(1) } [16]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(13) "" [1]=> int(1) } [17]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(13) "" [1]=> int(1) } [18]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "typeearn" [1]=> int(1) } }
    0 vests
    delegated in : 0.000000 VESTS
    recovery account : steem
    age : 2016-07-13T18:58:21
    last account update : 2019-12-08T08:02:51
    lifetime number of posts : 7195
    last post2019-12-18T21:16:12 days ago
    witness votes : array(16) { [0]=> string(13) "blockbrothers" [1]=> string(11) "blocktrades" [2]=> string(12) "busy.witness" [3]=> string(9) "chbartist" [4]=> string(9) "coingecko" [5]=> string(10) "fubar-bdhr" [6]=> string(6) "furion" [7]=> string(10) "good-karma" [8]=> string(9) "ihashfury" [9]=> string(5) "jesta" [10]=> string(6) "justyy" [11]=> string(15) "lukestokes.mhth" [12]=> string(7) "partiko" [13]=> string(12) "reggaemuffin" [14]=> string(9) "untersatz" [15]=> string(9) "yabapmatt" }

    account : clvr
    posting authorities : array(0) { }
    8853671.708402 vests
    delegated in : 8853671.708402 VESTS
    recovery account : cryptolover2017
    age : 2017-12-23T19:32:27
    last account update : 2018-08-06T13:12:48
    lifetime number of posts : 0
    last post1970-01-01T00:00:00 days ago
    witness votes : array(0) { }

    account : drelist
    posting authorities : array(0) { }
    29641.412851 vests
    delegated in : 29641.412851 VESTS
    recovery account : steem
    age : 2019-10-18T15:07:54
    last account update : 1970-01-01T00:00:00
    lifetime number of posts : 0
    last post1970-01-01T00:00:00 days ago
    witness votes : array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "arcange" [1]=> string(11) "puncakbukit" }

    account : gredon
    posting authorities : array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(8) "" [1]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "steemauto" [1]=> int(1) } }
    0 vests
    delegated in : 0.000000 VESTS
    recovery account : steem
    age : 2019-10-03T12:54:30
    last account update : 2019-10-04T08:53:39
    lifetime number of posts : 1
    last post2019-10-04T08:55:15 days ago
    witness votes : array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "arcange" [1]=> string(11) "puncakbukit" }

    account :
    posting authorities : NULL
    0 vests
    delegated in :
    recovery account :
    age :
    last account update :
    lifetime number of posts :
    last post days ago
    witness votes : NULL

    account : verunick
    posting authorities : array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "steemauto" [1]=> int(1) } }
    0 vests
    delegated in : 0.000000 VESTS
    recovery account : steem
    age : 2019-07-07T10:05:48
    last account update : 2019-07-07T10:13:15
    lifetime number of posts : 1
    last post2019-07-07T18:27:54 days ago
    witness votes : array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "arcange" [1]=> string(11) "puncakbukit" }

    2019/12/19 - 02:00:12am

    Total execution time for script : 10.696155786514


    • 20191218adding trollhunter so witnesstracker now has 3 different stats per week, hoping to get to seven eventually, heh
    • 20191218witnesstracker should now no longer display 'bad blockchain says no'-errors
    • 20191202fixed the price tags on inflation basket sample pics(said €98 i.o. 0.98 e.g. ...) and added some currencies for reference, 25.000 VND for 1 loaf of bread, is that ? normal ? if you were to ? i dont know ....
    • 20191201inflation basket picks random picks from products varying between €0.90 and €1.10
    • 20191126witnestracker should alternate with 'inflation basket' starting tonight ... little beauty problems might need ironing but works it does
    • 20191121 re-steeming and all that seems to work fine (as longs as the eebul hakzers dont d-dos my bedroom pc , not a very honourable thing to do , i can ddos it from my cellphone if i like but hm ... poor people are just that, right ...) the daily might be tweaking as adding more numbers takes more time and i cant set timeout on hosting services running servers i dont own but the pre-gen will be just fine just there listing the whole top 100 but generated once a day, if i cant do top 20 within time limit picking from -the fastest blockchain in the world- (b/c get a node, pleb !) condenser is just for show (lol) not for heavy use ... or maybe nodes are just as slow as blockchains tend to grow indefinitely (maybe thats why they think perpetual inflation is a good idea .. just burn it later or something ...) not here to comment, i'll just do a pre-gen top 20 and the pre-gen top 100 and keep separate lookup per accountname as a service dpending on how it ... euhmm, calibrates ?
    • 20191113 it should re-steem any post made by the top-5 witnesses and also a few 'feeds-of-interest' to me for now , ill find out when they post something new, the other bit is specific types by specific feeds i have that somewhere here, i did for coinsandchains on the contests posts, that will too, its an automated utility as per 'the' blockchain ... wether that's newsteem or not i dont care, b/c euh ... they told me its 'my' blockchain ... :D
    • 20191112the first idea is to have witnesstracker re-steem any post by the top five witnesses(current at the time), but also certain feeds i have vested intrest in or certain types of post from certain feeds as well, as a small all-in-one aggregator and stats-provider
    • if this says updates in sep file then it should have updates in sep file for easy reading and formatting and linking and whatnot
    • wtreport will show the top 20 but a pre-generated version showing the whole top 100 will be available here , generated with php, fetched with curl , posted from linux shell with a bit o' python, the wtreport posts once daily to @rudyardcatling, the other one generates once every day at midnight and is there for the looksies in case anyone cares (it takes between 10 and 20+ minutes to get all data and parse it i dont have a node after all)
    • autovoter will now only add a post per feed if there's not already one of that feed in the list ... writing a semi-a.i. to pick out the better ones seems a bit overkill at this space in time, its just easier and costs less time i dont have to check to weed out links and it continues, it wont run out and if half more stop posting then the ones who post more will get more votes ...
    • Now ask yourself, unless you come here to throw your money at good content like everyone in a suit with tie will tell you ... which one of those do you want to be ?Hard numbers ...remember your answer and come back in two updates and answer again ... then check back later , maybe if i REALLY have nothing to do and dont have to watch my back in hellville i try adding some connections between accounts ...
      just as a measure with no rush at ten cents ... show the relativity of stake vs in vs out vs the more they 'curate' the more they double drain ... the neverending story, to show some perspective : steem used to be over $7 , not under $0.15 , imagine what that was and why some certainly have the money to do what they do by now(or in some cases just run a node and dont what they dont ...) not my circus anymore but im around
    • To be extended to the top 50 at least with more snazzy intel like "how much have they staked for what they get , but the development speed atm is equal to the steemprice, its really not worth the time doing anything blockchainrelated right now, and thats until the rich kids fix it, not me, cos i dont have the network or the money, or the fucking bigmouth to present myself as something i am not ... i can get 1000 likes on facebook worth zero posting a picture of a meme on giphy ... a lot less for the same :)
      yea yea, fairy tales for the believers ... even upmewhale is talking newworldorder (ofcourse they would, they get like 12k a month just voting EVEN NOW ... which is gud, i just dont buy the fucking howl-with-the-wolves pitch, so i'm guessing that means delegation rewards will go down too soon ... making this place even LESS interesting cuz ... i havent spent a cent on facebook ever, but this place owes me money and it keeps trying HARD to not return it .. so fuck that, yea some stuff on bots too but i can assure you this is not high on my to-do list

      the layout ? its a freestyle dafuk you want for free?any questions ? the price is NOT the promise of tomorrow anymore but half up front or find someone else

      pushed in your face with Thu Dec 19 01:00:12 UTC 2019

      AntiFaHasherf3456b9f8a85405eb05bee3895837ccab53c7fed0422b44f9dc7f6a3871606923370e9699c8353cb097c6e5f531f1cf107367b2c24cf7829ac6c30bf00ed5603c671e73535b5e879e69e5b3cebdf72ab1bd9821fb338a2dafe8d5a2fddcd2c8bc8ea979f4971597bba46b80831119bb4a638b9233c7b2ef65a4701aaf2ff12f1f3456b9f8a85405eb05bee3895837ccab53c7fed0422b44f9dc7f6a3871606923370e9699c8353cb097c6e5f531f1cf107367b2c24cf7829ac6c30bf00ed5603c671e73535b5e879e69e5b3cebdf72ab1bd9821fb338a2dafe8d5a2fddcd2c8bc8ea979f4971597bba46b80831119bb4a638b9233c7b2ef65a4701aaf2ff12f1 #steemit #reports #mediaofficials #investor #palnet #neoxian #marlians #redlambo #therising #tipu #upmewhale #spydo

    Thanks being awesome NBC holder! Your 2.00 NBC earned you 2% team-cn upvotes!

    Hi @rudyardcatling!

    Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
    Your UA account score is currently 2.966 which ranks you at #11596 across all Steem accounts.
    Your rank has not changed in the last three days.

    In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 86 contributions, your post is ranked at #58.

    Evaluation of your UA score:
    • Only a few people are following you, try to convince more people with good work.
    • You have already convinced some users to vote for your post, keep trying!
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