Renaissance and War Atlantis


War and Peace Pride and Prejudice

History Repeats?  Time Loops? War fought in Time?

No Coincidences  



Extra Sensory Perception

Speaker Manly P Hall



Golden Age

Sun Moon and Stars

New Lands

Flat Earth

Infinite Plane Land Sea Ice Life and Air

The World, she is Harmony

Past Present and Future Gift of NOW

4 Rivers Mt Meru

Where all compasses point

Prophets Profits Explorers to Refugees

Blood provides performance and exceptionalism in every organism.  

Blood Heals

Blood over Intent

Disaster of Disobedience

Enoch Lesson 

Value Life and the Intelligent Design of Nature

Ancient Origins of Acts and Art


Pyramid Power

Ancestral  Missionaries, Explorers, Merchants and Fighters

Secret RE Form

Secret Re Act

Secret Re Member

The Secrets of Locomotion, Power and Flying thru Air

Destruction happens with the misuse and abuse of Spiritual Powers from the individual level to the aggregated collective.


Cheers to the unselfish good of all.

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