Interviewing a Digital Nomad

in #remote7 years ago


BackStory: VCR (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), was busy so I got asked to seat near an empty table next to a dude. We introduced one another and I noticed that there is a calculator, a pen and notebook. In my mind, I was like this is very old fashion. Who carry those anymore?

I asked him whether he does accounting or finance he tells me that he finds stuff online and sells them on Amazon. I was like "huh", there is a learning curve in that. He told me that his friend didn't want to think about it (this business) during his exams so he showed him the ropes, to do it for him.

Because this is my first time doing this kind of thing (interview): here's my premature psychology on it. Mix up the soft and hard questions to get the best out of it. The soft QAs are skipped for conciseness.

His name: Christof

Mo: What are your morning rituals?

Christof: I wake up and meditate for 20 minutes, shower then go about my day. I usually try to find a private place (headspace at the very least), to be focused, concentrated, less reactive, more mindful.

I started meditating, mainly because of a life crisis and because I read from an article that from brian scans: "parts of the brain grow and shrink". In that regard, I started practicing meditation. I can vouch that it improved my life overall.

Mo: Are you travelling alone and how do you research the places you decide to work at?

Christof: I am "digital-nomading" by myself. I mainly use google maps, reviews and blogs.

I usually google "digital nomad places" and search around. That's how I got to "Chiang-Mai", very popular for digital nomads, and a bunch of other places.

Mo: Why are you using "pen, paper and calculator"? My assumption is that it is very hard to keep things in one's head all the time, probably that's why.

Christof: I had an internship at BMW and they gave me a notebook when I started. It was boring but at meetings I saw people scribbling on them a lot.
At the end of it, I realized that I haven't written a word in it. So made a promise to myself that I would start using it a lot more.

There is a thing about writing on a paper that makes you "focused", quiet different from when you're writing on a device.

Mo: You work having "music on" it seems, is that a productivity boost for you?

Christof: Yes, I listen to it even when I am doing mentally intensive tasks. It works for me.

Mo: haha, my personal issue with music is that I end up changing songs and hunting for the one that will put me "in the zone". I end up wasting a lot of time that way. I'm not getting a pair of headphones anytime soon. (laugh...)

Mo: How many hours do you work on a typical day?

Christof: about 3 to 4 hours. My work sessions are really not structured. For instance, I can be on "work mode" then switch back and forth in reading articles, news, etc.
Frankly, I don't usually keep track of the number of hours I work. I am not multitasking. I am just kindof going with the flow.

Mo: What excites you in life? What makes you jump out of bed?

Christof: Hum, (thinking...). That's very hard. I try to "make the best out of me", I guess (laugh...).

Mo: would you say that you have some "existential crisis"?

Christof: Yeah, a little bit.

I am 28 so on the edge of the 30s. I am kindof getting a pressure from the family to settle a bit, stable job and so on (laugh...)

Mo: Do you use any SaaS products? How many?

Christof: Not really, I am very old fashion. I use excel, skype, the bare minimum to get things done.

Mo: What advertising channels do you use?

Christof: I use facebook, techboard, google, suppliers.

Mo: Don't you think what you are doing on pen and paper could be automated?

Christof: Not really. I was a programmer myself and I talked to some programmers about how it could be automated. I don't think as of now that it can be done.

Image by Andrew Neel

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