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RE: Remote Viewing the Dark Side of the Moon Part II

in #remote-viewing7 years ago (edited)

I'm not sure about the whole naked aspect lol But there has been talk of a secret space programme (that has been genetically manipulating sections of humanity to work in these environments) for many years now, some form of breakaway civilisation that are busy feathering their nests for when the shit really hits the fan. Obviously we're entering the realms of pure conjecture and it's not really an area I've researched very much, but it's certainly an interesting idea. I guess the main question should be whether there exists the technology to realise such a programme, because one things for sure if there was it would already be up and running. Anyway in light of a couple of aspects of your post you may be interested in the trailer above (if you've yet to see it) if nothing else the story surrounding the original book etc is an interesting one.

In terms of remote viewing and as mentioned in the comment I left on the previous post, I am a believer. I have a couple of posts coming out next week and although it's not about remote viewing, in the context of associated ideas you may be interested in the 2nd one. Excellent work as always @v4vapid .. I'm really enjoying this series .. and it's great to have it on the blockchain! Upvoted and resteemed.


It might be purely conjecture but it is a hell of a lot more fascinating to ponder these questions than to accept what we've been given by NASA and government space agencies across the globe.

With all the advancement in technology - Why haven't we returned to the moon?

It seems preposterous that the technology of the early 1970s got us there and we've yet to return.
Would we not benefit immensely from returning and exploring our own Moon?

The live feed from Space X's latest launch just 2 days ago was CUT as the Flacon 9 spacecraft was nearing phase 2 of their mission. Apparently, the NAOO cut the transmission because the cameras on the craft were not 'authorized' with the proper permits...

NASA and co., have had a monopoly of all the information and photos of space for a half-century now. Could there be something they wish to hide? I would say yes.

And I would agree with you that there has been a well funded secret space program for a longtime now that's been hidden from the public. Lockheed Martin and the US gov recently admitted as much. After hiding these programs for so long and deny their existence, how can we continue to support the official story?

Looking forward to your connected/related piece! I know it will be something special. Thanks for reading :)

"It might be purely conjecture but it is a hell of a lot more fascinating to ponder these questions than to accept what we've been given by NASA and government space agencies across the globe."

Amen to that my brother, there is a genuine benefit to be obtained from stepping outside of the general talking points and consensus. Alas many members of the public have been trained to appreciate repetition and not original albeit fringe topics of discussion, one things for sure and that's the fact that we're not here to discuss what the Kardashians had for breakfast! One of the greatest gifts we have is our ability to question, ponder and philosophise .. Indeed in the words of Aristotle "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Equally we appear to live in an age where the majority allow a neverending stream of experts to do their thinking for them and define the boundaries of their perceptual reality. But you know my friend, nothing is set in stone and I have a feeling that the current cutting edge of our general consensus will one day be viewed as akin to the dogmas of the dark ages.

In terms of us not returning to the moon .. here is a recent quote from the astronaut Don Petit “I'd go to the moon in a nanosecond - the problem is that we don't have the technology to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology and it's a painful process to build it back again.”

Fair enough the technology would degrade but what about the blueprints? Indeed the blueprints are in many ways more valuable than the technology and they could equally lay the foundations for a cheaper and more technologically advanced return trip. I have an aunt who as a child was observed (by Nasa) to have a genius level intellect and was subsequently packed off to the states on a braintrain scholarship. She worked for Nasa for fifty years but unfortunately every worker and every department is so compartmentalised that they are never able to see the big picture. From my perspective the reluctance to return to the Moon appears to hint that either they never went or indeed they found something that they don't want the rest of us to know about. The latter appears to make more sense as in relation to return trips there appears to be a general consensus from other countries against attempting a manned return, sure the idea is muted every once in a while but (aside from a Chinese rover) actions speak louder than words. Equally if other countries knew the whole thing was a farce I feel the information would have been made publically available, on the other hand if they thought it was valid and without issue they would have been fighting amongst themselves to get there.

They have a secret department for every other facet of life, so it would be naive to think they wouldn't have one for our greatest frontier. Something just doesn't sit right with it all.

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