New World Order

in #religious7 years ago

Here it is right on the dollar bill the agenda for where we are going. on the dollar it says Novus Ordo Seclorum which means new world order! This is where we are headed. A one world government that will require all to receive the mark of the beast in order to buy or sell anything. We are so close to this reality it is frightening.


Revelation speaks of the Beasts, the first being the NWO and the second the false prophet. The second beast is a lamb with two horns but speaks as a dragon. Daniel 7:24 says the horns are Kings, these kings will have a christian vener as they apear as a lamb. They are the United states and Britian the two kings that give the beast power. Thus the 1st and 2nd beast are allready in existance.
The next step is for the Anti-Christ to apear which I believe he is already here. Obama, he will show his true colors shortly. Then begins the Tribulation, the final seven years of humanity. Do you know Jesus as your personal savior? Your running out of time!

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