What Makes Religious People Feel and Act That Way?

Religious Emotions. What Makes Religious People Feel and Act That Way?

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Religious emotions is implied that class of emotional feeling emerging from the faith and belief in, or cognizance of the nearness of, supernatural beings, powers, elements, or forces. This form of emotion is viewed as unmistakable from the ethical and moral emotions, albeit much of the time found in association therewith. In like manner, it is free of any exceptional form of intellectual belief, for it is much more fundamental and regularly exists without doctrine, philosophy, or stated belief, the main manifestation in such cases being a feeling of the presence of supernatural beings, forces, and powers to which man has a connection and to which he owes submission.

To the individuals who may imagine this is excessively limited an origination of religious emotion we allude the accompanying meaning of religion from the word references: "The acts or feelings which result from the belief of a god, or gods, having better control over issue, life, or predetermination. Religion is subjective, assigning the feelings and acts of men which identify with God, philosophy is objective, signifying the science which researches the presence, laws, and properties of God."

Darwin, in his "Descent of Man," says that the feeling of religious dedication is an exceptionally complex one, comprising of love, finish accommodation to a magnified and strange predominant, a solid feeling of reliance, fear, love, appreciation, seek after the future, and maybe different components. He is of the feeling that no man can encounter so mind boggling an emotion until the point when best in class in his intellectual and moral faculties to no less than a decently abnormal state.

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The specialists by and large concur with Darwin, in spite of the fact that the later investigation of the history of religion has demonstrated that religious feeling has a significantly more primitive birthplace than that showed by Darwin. The reality of the matter is that the lower animals are not esteemed equipped for anything moving toward religious feeling, unless there is a feeling moving toward it in the state of mind of the canine and horse and other residential animals toward their lords.

In any case, man, when he can ascribe natural wonders to a supernatural reason and power, manifests an unrefined religious feeling and emotion. He starts by having confidence in, dreading, and worshiping natural forces and objects, for example, the sun, the moon, the breeze, thunder and lightning, the sea, waterways and mountains. It is guaranteed that there is no natural object that has not been idolized and worshiped by a few people sooner or later in the history of the race.

Afterward, man procured the human origination of divinities and made many gods in his own particular image, investing them with his own traits, qualities, and attributes. The mental attributes and morals of a people can simply be discovered by a learning of the average origination of divinity held by them. Polytheism, or the belief in many gods, was prevailing by monotheism, or belief in one god.

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Monotheism ranges from the crudest origination of a manlike god to the most astounding origination of a spiritual being rising above every single human quality, traits, or attributes. Man started by putting stock in many god things, at that point in many god people, at that point in a one god-individual, at that point in one God who is a spirit, at that point in One Universal Spirit which is God.

The outrageous of religious belief is what holds that there is only God—all else is hallucination, of pantheistic idealism. Buddhism disposed of the possibility of a supreme being, and held that ultimate reality is yet universal law. Yet, the beliefs of the religious individual might be considered as coming about because of intellectual processes, his religious feelings and emotions emerge from another piece of his mental being. It is the declaration of the specialists of all religions that religious conviction is an inward ordeal as opposed to an intellectual origination.

The emotional component is constantly dynamic in religious manifestations all over the place. The simply intellectual religion is nothing however a philosophy. Religion without feeling and emotion is a peculiarity. In all genuine religion there exists a feeling of internal affirmation and faith, love, wonder, reliance, accommodation, veneration, appreciation, trust, and maybe fear. The emotional component should dependably be available, not really as emotional excess, as on account of restoration craziness or the move of the spinning dervishes, yet in any event as the quiet, intense feeling of that peace which passeth understanding.

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At the point when religion withdraws from the emotional stage it turns out to be only a school of philosophy, or an ethical culture society. The understudy must not dismiss the inspiring impact of genuine religious emotion by reason of his insight into its humble inception. Like the lotus, which has its underlying foundations in the vile, soiled mud of the waterway, and its stem in the sloppy, dormant, and foul waters thereof, yet its excellent flower unfurled free air and confronting the sun, so is religious feeling in charge of probably the most delightful and elevating ideals and actions of the race.

On the off chance that its source and history contain much that is not steady with the most noteworthy ideals of the race today, it is not the blame of religion but rather of the race itself. Religion, similar to all else in the universal manifestation, is under the laws of evolution, growth, and development. What the religion without bounds might be, we know not. In any case, the prophets of the race are imagining dreams of a religion as considerably higher than that of today as the last is higher than the unrefined fetichism of the savage.

The religious emotions might be created by enabling the psyche to abide upon the power hidden the universe of fleeting, evolving forms, by perusing writing and verse in which an interest is made to the religious nature, by tuning in to music which stirs the emotion of love and amazement, and, at last, by reflecting upon the inward spirit immanent in each living being.

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In Buddhism at least I think the deepest levels of religious experience, or rather transcendence are way behind intellect or emotion - in Buddhist meditation theory there are 8 stages of consciousness - stage 2 is 'rapture', and by the later stages are defined as even more refined:

Stage five - The base of infinite space
Stage six - The base of infinite consciousness
Stage seven - The base of nothingness
Stage eight - The base of neither perception nor non perception.

Apparently it's pointless to discuss them too much as it's impossible to comprehend what they're like, these are just pointers -

IF you accept this is true, it makes your question kind of moot, maybe>?

What are these stages all about? If an individual reaches the highest stage, I wonder what will happen, what they call him?

Enlightened I guess!

Your post is very effective and powerful, Thanks for sharing

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Very well explained!

In my viewpoint, religion has and will always be directly proportional to human emotions. Whatever philosophy, reasoning, logic, references and rationale might exist in any religion that the human race has ever practiced and believed in, emotions and the three basic parts of it - physical, cognitive and behavioral, will always be it's core element. No man can possibly believe and follow Divine existence and guidance respectively, if his emotional aspect is not present within his heart and soul.

How about those so-called bad guys/person, why is it that when it comes to religion, they tend to curve theirselves and bow. How would we assess their emotions?

That is basically what explains their contradiction within themselves and the absence of their faith in terms of whatever guidance they are following otherwise. From where I come from, the geographical and demographics in Pakistan, I have come across a number of religious people since my early childhood. According to my observation, if the strength of your faith and belief in any specific religion is to an extent where it shapes your lifestyle wholly, then you would certainly abstain from something that isn't allowed or negatively portrayed within your belief, let alone the societal and moral consequences of that specific action.

However, emotional attachment to religion and religious comprehension varies from one individual to another. That has always been the case with the human race. Some, will use religion for their personal benefit, others will actually put their heart and soul into their beliefs and all the rewards they will get in this world or the afterlife. Emotions, actions and the way of living, it all directly depends on the intensity of one's belief in a certain set of guidelines related to his/her religion.

I like how you see things out there @zaidi.

Thank you for your post, it actually made me want to read more on this subject, apart from my personal observations. I will start from History of God by Karen Armstrong and then Descent of Man by Darwin.

There are so many religions in existence it's hard to name all of them. Religions are updated so often that I can't name the last religion that has stepped on the scene. I am not considering the thoughts and beliefs of atheist although many have practices they believe in. I want to say that majority of the world believe in the Abrahamic religion but I do not have the statistics to back that up.

If you were to be ask, what is the purpose of religion?

I don't know the purpose of religion but I would say you have to have a strong faith in the one you chose to follow. I would say religion is our awareness that we are not in control of this world. We are visitors of this world and religion teaches us that our home is in heaven/paradise. Religion provides security for us in this world etc... @cleverbot who do you believe in?

Why saying that you dont know the purpose of religion when you also say that it teaches us that this world is not our home? Does religion can bring us to heaven?

I would not say that the purpose of religion is to bring us to heaven. I don't agree with that. I said that religion teaches us that our home is in heaven/paradise. I agree more with saying the purpose of religion is to give us understanding; for those who understand. That doesn't mean I'm right because I don't know the purpose of religion and/or when or where it was first practiced.

Glad to have this kind of conversation from you @blockgators. Lets continue... By your way of talking, you seem to believe with heaven, same here. Since its our home, is there a way to be there, I mean what should we do to make sure that we will go to heaven?

That question is where I would say it get's tricky. There are so many answers and hard to define the. Every religion I bet would have a different expectation. I am not sure but I bet each religion believes it's a heave/paradise for their individual religions... I would say be honest with yourself and live a decent life but that may not be enough for a religious person. They add speculations.

How often are you reading this book called Bible? Do you believe in everything it says?

I don't know. I think of myself to be naive.

have you studied or downloaded any in your system

I have not.

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