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RE: What Is Life ? I am An Atheist -> Debunked

in #religion6 years ago

I believe that worshipping anything that is not tangable is silly. Why worship an entity that has no interest in you? Why believe there is more than what you see or hear or smell. Why do people worship something that never shows itself? Atleast an ant or dog can see us.


First of all, I want to point out that you believe in many things that have no physical form, sound or smell. If you believe in thoughts, emotions and ideas, none of them fit your criteria for credibility and yet to say "therefore they don't exist" is silly.

Beyond that, there are spectrums of light we can't see, there are frequencies of sound we can't hear and smells that a dog or cat can smell that we can't. If you're hell bent on limiting your reality to what you call tangible, there's a hell of a lot you'll miss out on.

If a god can not be seen by its creation I must laugh realy hard. What kind of a god would it be than 😂.

And sound and smell can be observed. Science has proven sound and smell are real. And our brain can observer it.

If a god can create a perfect creature (we humans) why did it not construct us to be able to see him or here or it?

God can be seen by His creation, in His creation.

My point is that it might be because our senses are limited that we can't/won't/don/t perceive God.

To answer your last question, my theory is that we are being evolved to the point we will be able see God. It's the whole reason for mankind's existence.
If you were God, and you were all that existed, it would be hard to see yourself, right? It would be necessary to create a separate perspective, to disconnect a part of yourself so that it could turn around and take a look. Eastern religions express the same concept when they point out that the eye can't see itself.
All of creation has been a process of creating that separate perspective and mankind has, in fact, reached the state of disconnect. Much of the pain and suffering that we experience stems from that disconnected state. Hopefully we are nearing the point that we can turn and see what's going on with ourselves for starters. The next step is to heal our own internal division. It's not till we've achieved inner wholeness again that we are structurally capable of perceiving our Creator.
It's just my theory. I know it will come as a surprise to humanity if it turns out that it's not really about us, we are just a piece of God's evolving being, as is the rest of the Universe.

Anyhow, it's been my experience that even the most open minded has failed to see any validity in my theory, so I don't expect it will make any sense to you. None the less, you asked so there it is my answer.

I like the concepts you explain here. But why do you involve god in all of them? If gods creation is so perfect why did he invent viruses - plagues - tsunamis - ....

I'd say God is the state of perfection so anything else is less than perfect. It's only perfect when taken as a whole, meaning from the beginning of time till the end of time.
Wholeness and division are the two states of being. We are currently in the state of division, so all we see is opposites, good and evil, joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure.

That might not be a very helpful answer, but it is the real reason for our suffering. The real solution is to heal our inner division.

In that way there is no meaning for discusion. You now state that the good an the bad are gods creation. Then why do the books all state a evil beeing.

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