Religion is cancer. #3

in #religion6 years ago (edited)

Let's talk really quick about everyone's fave topic. Religion. Well it's not really my favorite, so I am going to keep this short and sweet.

The cancer's quick history

Religion was invented a gazillion years ago, when people were still retarded monkeys and nothing ever made sense to them. So they started tripping on some good old school natural psychedelics and began seeing some patterns in the sky. And voila, Religion was born! They thought that the entities that they saw in their trance state, were their creators and started worshipping them ever since.
Religion has changed with time, and the cultural differences between civilizations created different religions. However, all religions think that they know their shit (why we are here and who are creators are), but of course they are gravely mistaken.

The cancer persists even today

Today's famous religions throughout the globe literally are the most cancerous we could have unfortunately. The goverments pushed Christianity and Islam down our throats (still they do) and as a result most of this planet's population is practising it.
Even though we have technology, medicine, telescopes and DMT. Moron humans still choose to believe in talking snakes, invisible sky daddy's and of course the biggest joke of all virgin women who give birth...
The problem's that religion caused to civilization still unfortunately it does, such as: child exploitation and mental manipulation, money laundering services (courtesy of the big OG churches), delusion & ignorance to the masses, hatred towards advance in science specifically and a lot more.
Since religion is still mainstream af, the only way that this cancer called religion can be beaten, is only if humans want to wake the fuck up but it seems impossible for the forseeable future.

Considering how much damage religion has also done to middle eastern countries (they still are willing to kill people for abandoning the religion ffs) and the fact that the west is receiving a huge influx of middle easterner migrants, I can also see a modern day crusade between christians and muslims brewing. Now that would be really fun to watch with a beer and popcorns, so hey at the very least I will get some entertainment from this cancer I guess.


Religion sucks and it is nothing but a bunch of fucking lies for sheep to believe in so that they stay poor and happy while waiting for a promised imaginary afterlife, but what sucks more Is that I wasted a solid 20 minutes of my life writing for this cancerous miserable shit. Jesus, wake up already do not make me get out of your screen and hit you in the fucking head. Throw religion in the garbage and burn it.

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