The Helping Eve..

in #religion7 years ago (edited)


"And the Lord God said, its not good that man should be alone; I will make him an HELP meet for him" - Gen 2:18

This verse from biblical account reveals God's firm resolution to make a helper for man. Who is a helper and why did God deem it necessary that Adam should have one? A helper is an entity or being living who provides assistance to one's task or goal. From the biblical story, Adam had all the beasts of the field plus the that of air and sea at his command but none was found "suitable" for the task of Adam I.e( cultivating Eden, naming the animals, abstinence from the trees of life and knowledge,being fruitful, to multiply, replenish, subdue, and have DOMINION). God's plan and ultimate goal for man was for him to domineer not over man(slavery) but over nature, sustain or cultivate it and harness its resources. This he discovered couldn't be achieved by Adam alone.Not that Adam complained, but God foresaw a need for delegation of duties. The beasts couldn't help Adam, neither the fishes or birds, truth be told Adam needed his Eve.composing-2925179__340.jpg

The next series of verses portrays God performing a surgery on Adam. Induces him into a state of unconsciousness "deep sleep" and taking out a rib, forming Eve with it and presenting her to him. It is interesting to note that discoveries in medical science attests to the use of "stems cells" for cellular, tissue, and diverse organ regrowth if harvested properly from bone sites. More shocking is the fact that the human rib happens to be a bone site possessing stem cells for regrowth! (Rib Thoracoplasty, Scoliosis- google up for more info) Wow! So the solution to Adam's problem here was in Adam, it just needed to be "taken out" and expressed.

No wonder he knew instinctively when he saw Eve for the first time (maybe love at first sight,lol) that this being was not like any other beast in the field or air nor sea; this was a part of him, a bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh taken out of him and expressed in a body! Eve was not taken from Adam's head to signify dominance or from his feet to signify oppression but from a very delicate position to signify coexistence.

"And they were both NAKED, man and his wife and they were NOT ashamed" -Gen 2:25

This "nakedness" I believe never just referred to their physical bodies alone. If it was, they should have been making babies long before the account of the forbidden fruit! Mind you these are two beings now, alike but unique to each other. Obviously they were exploring themselves not just their bodies but minds as well, testing their strenghts and exposing their weaknesses. The bible accounts that in all that they were not ashame. Eve couldn't help Adam if she couldn't see his weakness and Adam couldn't help and protect Eve if he never understood her. Through the generations more forms of Eve have evolved other than the helping and understanding Eve, both good and bad. These include
The Laughing and Doubting Eves- Sarah
The Tempting Eves- Potiphar's Wife
The Destroying Eves- Delilah, Jezeebel
The Power Eves- Queen of Sheeba, Cleopatra
The Pompous Eves- Queen Vashti

The Courageous Eves- Deborah
The Virgin or Pure Eves- Mary
The Saving a nation Eves- Esther

You can add a sect if I've left any out so far. Society is filled with many Adams void of understanding their Eve and many Eves engrossed in self ambition, feminism, gender equality. I'm sincerely not against women in power or politics or fulfilling their goals no, we were all created in the image of God male and female with dreams and ambitions. This is not a question of gender superiority, that's a topic for another day. This is a matter of understanding, that no matter how we war against our genders we need each other. Jesus in the new testament after his life journey on earth sent a "HELPER" The Holy spirit yet still for mankind. Men, treat and protect your ladies, ladies be the helping Eve to your man. This cold war of gender equality might not end anytime soon as one gender might feel cheated out in certain areas. But understanding is key to healthy societal living.

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