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RE: Shocking Bible Secrets Revealed!

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

According to Dante Mr. Satan is frozen in the central lowest level of hell, which is actiually a hellscape tundra wasteland, or somesuch.

But it sounds like early jews were kinda like shamanists, because that is the same way you do a sacrifice in shamanism. There is also a lot about how to prepare and preserve food, and the sacrificed animals are usually eaten by people participating in the rite. Another thing that is part of the ritual is the festive table, so the parallels are quite aparent.
Another thing is you can't get rich by being a shaman, because they take an oath to help people regardless the size of payment they are offered (but people are expected to offer as their means allow). Oh, and at least in Buryat culture learning and thinking for yourself is a virtue. :-)

Oh, also something else I was thinking about when writing this comment, but forgot. I think that the communists of early USSR took a page out of that cookbook. That is that was the reasoning behind low wages for medical and educational professionals. I bleive it was Lunacharskiy, who argued that the people would support those who care about their health and educate their children. It didn't work out as well as he hoped, though.


some how even today the 21st century its okay to cut the foreskin of a childs penis and a grown man suck the blood out. It's disgusting i agree so why is such barbaric practices allowed to continue? Because humans have been taught to question nothing. It is as it says. Plot twist. Nothing is as they said.

Um. I've seen this argument made quite a bit using almost exact words. First time I heard about that I was like WTF? I mean Russia has an orthodox church, that has some reputation for not being the most progressive people on the block, but this is the whole new level of weird. Anyhow, I don't think they do much foreskin cutting here since forever and even then most of it is part of jewish initiation. Still even in the czarist Russia times you were considered jewish if born from jewish mother, no foreskin cutting required (still some people did it), and only changing religion changed that.

As far as shamanism goes, perhaps it has something to do with living in much harsher climate conditions, but I don't think there is much "question nothing" mentality is associated with it.
Much more of such mentality has something to do with urbanization/education/economic formation, but thankfully these days it produces at least some "question everything" types also. I mean even in secular USSR there were a lot of question nothing (at least not outside the kitchen) types as in America, which includes mention of God in quite a bit of places for a secular country!

Curious tidbit: in contracts in western country there is a provision for "force majoure", i.e. acts of God. In Russia it says circumstances of irrisitable magnitude & legal acts by the governing bodies of Russian federation. While this whole idea is based on force majeure, and it is even an ideomatic phrase that comes from the same source as in other languages I still find it funny.

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