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RE: [VIDEO] 99.9% of People Are Good; Violent Conflict is Almost Always Avoidable.

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

I don't know if they can't form an army as defense in the future.
But voluntaryist aren't pacifists.

BUT you can't bring down a religion by hauling down it's churches or killing the priests or the the inquisition (police) The believer will install a new one. It's the believers that make the church or god. Once they stop believing because they see it's not real, the churches will run empty and the religion will disappear.

"To overwhelm singular actors like yourself". I'm not quite sure what you mean by that my english isn't that good. Edit It sounds very international or national socialistic; like; everyone who disagrees with "us" is a danger but luckily we have the military to protect us by putting them in a gulag or concentration camp


It's not about disagreement. Disagreement is protected in my country.

Law enforcement and military are indeed socialistic. We grant government a monopoly on violence, in order to minimize production of violence. Makes sense, in economic terms.

We don't favor socialism in other spheres precisely because it minimizes production in those spheres. Violence is one product to be minimized, but privatizing it will increase it.

Who is "we"?

Because government has the monopoly on violence it has the monopoly in all other spheres as well. From forcing you to have your chimney cleared under the thread of violence to Forcing you to keep your hedge under a certain height under the thread of violence and thousands of such things more. Every little detail in your live is controlled, and met with violence, with the death penalty as end result if you still do not obey after they robbed you or try to cage you and you defend yourself against the attackers.

You don't privatize violence in voluntaryism, You privatize defense.
You need no badge or costume or special rights to defend yourself or people. You can do the defense yourself or the with people you live with even organized, but the people in the organized defense have not, more rights, than that "normal" people do because they are normal people.

Those organizations can also defend against so called protection agencies that extort people of their money to give them so called protection........against protection agencies that extort people of their money to give them so called protection

(edit I added, and changed some sentence to clarify and correct language mistakes)

Okay. What if all these "defense" companies form a cartel, and decide to just extort and oppress everybody else? Or if one company gets a monopoly and kills all other companies that try to compete?

Like you have now you mean.
Like mafiagovernment there is now.

In a society of free people/individuals that don't believe that they have to obey tyrants, murderers, thief's and so on, they will organize defense against governments and mafia and other murderers and oppressors. It's totally in line with the NAP and If they want to stay free from this, they ought to exercise the SDP (self defense principle) You have to defend your freedom and preferably that of others.

But all this will not be possible right now. Like I said in my previous reaction. It's now trying to convince as many people that the NAP is a better way to life than promoting aggression.

No matter what you or others may think I believe that one day people will know that they don't have to obey the mafia or the mafia government but that they can live together peacefully handeling the threats that will still exist in a way that don't require them to be slaves to a political mafia.

I must say that in your reply your have the perfect description for governments. And if you think it through it will end in a one world government. People will be taught they are free in their slavery and will be slaves forever, all that oppose will be seen as terrorists and what not, and be locked away in a gulag or concentrationcamps, as always happens. It's just a logical conclusion. But till my death or till that time I will fight them not by attacking some government that does not exist but I will talk to the believers and try to persuade them to become a heretic to the tyranical god called government. Maybe it's not to late. I don't know. I will use the power of expression to try to convince people were I can. They may listen and maybe think about it, or maybe not. I'm not forcing my opinion on them. They are free human beings just like me.
In the meanwhile I try to live as free as possible. Maybe that's even more convincing that talking. Anyway I can not go back into believing in the god called government it would be the same as me saying I believe in Santa Claus, That would be totally impossible, as you probably can imagine lol.

That doesn't answer my question.

I get that you think things are terrible now, but the fact is that they could be much worse.

Anarchy will result in worse tyranny that can't be fixed through peaceful means. Meanwhile, my government has mechanisms built in to correct tyranny where it arises.

Of course it does, people can organize against murderers or murder organizations, and kill them, people will want to have security against all slave masters.
When more people understand the concept of freedom and let go of their believe in authority, they will defend it. It's about numbers. There are now projects going on, and agorism is another way if government start to attack those peaceful people, I think more people will notice what the state is.

Well I leave you here, because you keep coming up with questions, I have already answered.
And you act as if I have to have an answer to all of them.
Which I don't

But you keep your faith in government, and force anyone to do what you think is the best idea. Do your best to stop government from growing and or becoming totalitarian. Then I live my life to the best of my abilities.


Okay. That does finally answer my question: you say violence will rectify the situation eventually, and I agree.

My point is that government has the advantage of potentially resolving tyrannies by nonviolent political means. For all of statisms disadvantages, this capacity for political solutions is one advantage.

Thank you for entertaining my skepticism of your hypotheses. It's nothing particular to you or your ideals, just standard skepticism.

It's a change in the mindset. And it can begin as small as stopping a bully. Where they normally would get away with violence. It probably starts with bringing up children. There are a lot of children that learn only to obey, obeying is good disobeying is bad. Well sometimes disobeying is very good, the right thing to do. But if you are brought up with obeying is equal to being good, then the moment you get orders to do bad things you will not think, but just do as your told. This is the danger.
("you" is not you personal of course.)

My grandparents disobeyed the nazis in the second world war, I think it has shaped me unconsciously, and made me question a lot of things about wars, governments, tyrants, authority in general.
That questioning finally let me here. Questioning everything is a good thing i.m.o. Also questioning authority.
Questioning everything is skepticism. ;)

Things are terrible now tyranny is all around and closing in, western countries are turning into police- and surveilance state these are horrible developments.

I don't think there are mechanisms that work to stop the state from growing or even getting smaller. It may seem that "the people" can hold government accountable but it never actually happens, and they are very ineffective, if they are effective at all.

Politicians get away with everything. There should have been a lot of them behind bars.
Police gets away with everything. There too, a lot of them get away with violent behavior, stealing (asset forfeiture I believe it's called) even murder.
The militarization of police is really horrible.

What you are afraid of what might happen "under" anarchy. I see folding out in my daily life with governments.

You would have nothing to fear from me like I'm sure I have nothing to fear from you personal, in day to day life (in anarchy), but I have a lot to fear from the state, the order followers and the millions of people that support state violence against peaceful people.

To be effective against tyranny you need to use force that is true, But It makes no sense for me now to use force against the tyranny I live under. I have to find other ways. Maybe it comes down to me fleeing the country or continent. And all because I differ in opinion, not because I'm a danger to anyone. This makes me sad. Because I'm a builder I build things and then I have to leave that all behind. But what must be done must be done.

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