What must I do to be saved?

in #religion6 years ago (edited)

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In the beginning, God  created  man in His own image and likeness. However, man fell to the tricky serpent and disobeyed God which led to man's separation from God.  Take a look at the image below:

Image source - https://www.liftupjesus.com/know-grow/can-saved/

The sinfulness of man alienated man from the nature of God and man was doomed for destruction. However, God in His fullness of love and fullness of Mercy as expressed in John 3: 16 was   still mindful of man. God gave Jesus Christ as a token of ransom for man's guilt. Jesus coming  in the likeness  of man, was tortured and He died the death of the cross just to take on himself the guilt and iniquity of man (Isaiah 53: 4-5).

Having died this way and having being resurrected  by God, He took our sins away and nailed them to the cross and became a bridge for as many that are willing to be reconciled to God.

What then Must we do to be saved?

All that man needs to do to receive salvation is Believe and Confess.  Let's look at the scriptures:

Romans 10: 9  - 10:

That  if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe  in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be  saved.

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

The believing is the actual transaction of salvation and is meant to be a continuous believing. In  John 3: 18, Jesus Christ had this to say:

 Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe  has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of  God’s one and only Son. - Berean Study Bible

Our justification comes form our believing. This believing (faith in God) is what would deliver us from the guilt of our past lives and give us peace (Romans 5: 1).

The confession made after the believe as in Romans 10: 9-10 is a testimonial of our believe and an obedience response.

Even Now!

It doesn't matter how bleak the past has been, salvation can be obtain if we Believe and confess. Note that Religion does not save any man. You may be affiliated to one religious group or the other, you may even be  serving in a church as a worker, untill you come to this juncture  of believing and confession, salvation is not received.

God bless you!

This was an answer to a question on Musing.io


John 14:6 (NIV)
Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me

To be save, we have to confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We have to go through Him.

You say:

Religion does not save any man

Therefore I am assuming you are not a Christian. In Christianity you do not have do anything to get saved, because you are not responsible for your sins in the first place.

In Christianity God is trying to appease the devil by offering human sacrifice to them (John 3:16).

Please note that outside of Christianity there are no notions of sin. Even in Islam there is no such thing as God trying to be nice to devil at all cost.

You can engage in some kind of shamanic meditation, or nonviolent communication, to learn empathy, and therefore you can learn what other people's needs are, judge in your own mind whether they are reasonable, and whether you want to participate in fulfilling them.

Don't get involved in the Golden Rule too much, as you can't assume that other people would like to be treated the way you would. (You may find an article about it in my blog somewhere).

See how living organisms cooperate and decide whether you want to be a part of it, or do your own thing. Try to find your own place rather than trying to be 'saved' at all cost. You are not a computer file. You do not need to be saved.

Indeed, we must always confess our sins, no matter we are sinners or not. As much as we human beings, certain sins may be committed without our conscience that it is even a sin. When we always do that and do away from sins then we will be saved.

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