With Every Holiday Comes a Few NUTS!

in #religion8 years ago

I published this five years ago but it is still unfortunately relevant today.

Breibart News - Indiana - December 13, 2016

It seems like with "religious" holidays every nut in America has to come out and put their two cents in. I have favorites, but this year it seem I am going to tick a couple people off by my analogy.

First, I will say I am a Christian but I do not really celebrate Christmas. Christmas is a man made holiday to distinguish Jews and Jewish Christians from state allowed religion in early Europe. It was meant to take the place of Hanukkah for "Christians". Since that inception, it has become a commercial nightmare, turning even the best kid into an "I want" machine.

Now, does this mean my kids don't have presents and I cook a lot? Absolutely not. Any opportunity to spend with my friends and family, cook a lot, and give a modest gift is relished for this busy working Mom who lives in a rat race.

I have Christians friends who think because I do not celebrate Christmas that I am a heathen. I have other Christian friends who think because I am not out preaching about the paganism and evils of Christmas that I am a heathen. Well, I am probably a hethen then!

People are people. Being people, we like reasons to celebrate something, anything, and this is America... where people have the right to do so. Furthermore, God gave people free will to do and believe what they want - He will grab you when he wants you.

All of this gets me to the Atheists.

Atheist nuts - not all Atheists. There is a difference. The Atheist nuts are suing schools when they put up a tree, or a city when they put up a nativity or Christmas decoration. They are protesting Hanukkah signs when a town has a large Jewish population and decorates appropriately. They want no sign of God in public, in science classes, or their local grocery store.

Here's the thing about Atheist nuts - they support a liberal socialist agenda and believe in evolution - two things that absolutely cannot go together which makes the Atheist nuts oxymoronic and frivolous in belief.

(That was the ticking off part.)

That's right!

An Atheist cannot expect to be taken seriously if they fight for Darwin in the classroom and media and then turn around and vote Liberal or support liberal agendas. It is the ONE thing Atheists have in common with Christians, albeit for different reasons.

Darwin had many beliefs - one being that "In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment."

With this one statement, Darwin set up the belief that animals, humans, social communities, and all organisms have the ability to succeed and to FAIL. That those who choose to fail should, they become the expense, and that by allowing the failure, the "cream" of the gene pool would rise, get stronger, breed, and make more adaptable offspring.

We see this in horse racing. If you've ever been to a track and spent any amount of time with a horse wagerer, they will speculate about races and probabilities based on the horses lineage. I have seen men bet a trifecta pulling in a long shot because the horses father was a great mudder and it rained that day - and hit it!

Liberals do not believe in success or failure, adaptability or inability. They believe that all should be treated the same based on being, not on doing, and that it is the "government's" obligation to ensure a being person is treated as an adaptable person. Thereby, liberal Atheists are negating their own beliefs in Darwin's theory of evolution.

I said that Christians have a little something in common with the Atheists - God believes in doing - not being!
II Thessolonians 3:10 "If you don't work, you don't eat."

1 Thessalonians chapter 4:11-12 "Make it your goal to live quietly, do your work, and earn your own living, as ordered. Then your way of life will win respect from those outside, and you won't have to depend on anyone else for what you need."

Proverbs 14:23 "Work and you will earn a living; if you sit around talking you will be poor."

God is all about choices. He allows for failure and gives the consequences of actions or inactions. If you don't eat, you will die, thereby relieving society of your slack and allowing the stronger, adaptable, and successful to get stronger, breed and raise their offspring to do so as well.

So when you see that Atheist Nut from Wisconsin screaming about the Nativity scene in Athens, TX and how it offends him or the Freedom From Religion Nut getting purple in the face when trying to tell a city of 30,000 with a 2% Atheist population and 85% Christian population that they cannot say "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance or the Atheist who wants all Menorahs removed from public display in a 70% Jewish neighborhood, just remember - they are nuts and really don't know what they believe.

Allowing the few to scream, rant, rave, and dictate to the many makes us nuts - so don't allow it! This is America - majority rules!

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