Religion and Sex in America: My Analysis of Mormon Polygamy

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

Religion and Sex in America

I doubled majored in biology and religion as an undergraduate. In order to receive a degree in religion at Indiana University, one had to not only study many world religions, but take courses in the social implications of religion on society. 

One elective course I took was "Sex and Religion in America".

The semester research paper I chose to do was on the interesting topic of Mormon polygamy. I have seen a few Steem articles on polygamy, so I thought it would be of interest to some platform users. It specifically concerns Mormon polygamy in the nineteenth-century and includes the below topics:

1) The foundation of Mormon polygamy in America

2) Background and external backlash from America in the nineteenth- century. Including beliefs of feminists during that time. 

3) The hardships for both Morman men and women.

4) Male and Female partnership in sustaining its practice (my main thesis)

5) The ROLE religion played in sustaining its practice 


This research paper was extensive. I remember spending weeks in the "stacks" of a 10-story library to complete my paper. I did not pick the "easy way." 

I chose a topic and hypothesis that took much more time to support. In doing so, I not only had to dig through more sources, but I had to become a person from that time. It was quite an interesting experience indeed. 

After my efforts, the professor nominated this paper for the "essay contest of the year" at my university. It didn't win, but I was flattered anyway. 

I am going to post the Introduction as my "Part 1" and then continue releasing the other parts in the following weeks. 

Get your Glasses, Bring out your historical side, FEEL your Beard, and READ ON!

(Mormon Church in Salt Lake City)

Male and Female Partnership in Propagating Mormon Polygamy

 Joseph Smith, the founder and prophet of the Mormons, said in the 1840s that polygamy was “the most holy and important doctrine ever revealed to man on earth (Von iii).” However, in years to come, American society would criticize the radical belief of polygamy as immoral and destructive to the family structure. 

By the mid to late nineteenth-century, the United States would implement laws that would strike down the practice of polygamy. 

Whether Mormon leaders were immoral for encouraging polygamy or not, Mormons did suffer from its institution. Large amounts of Mormon women began to suffer economically, emotionally, and sexually due to polygamy, and many feminists around America saw it as cruel, patriarchal dominance. 

Mormon men may have appeared as the sole villains of plural marriage due to their sexual domination over women, but they still were apart of the family unit(s) as well. 

Male church leaders led and advocated polygamy in the Church of the Latter-Day Saints (LDS), but it cannot be generalized that the majority of Mormon males were victimless to this institution. Women did have less power than men, but that as well can be seen in the monogamous marriages around America in the nineteenth-century. 

If both men and women can be seen as victims of polygamy, then their faith can be more of a contributor to it remaining in America than just male domination. 

The negative aspects of polygamy had a hierarchy of victims with women at the top and men further down, but both sexes contributed to sustaining its practice. 

END Of Part I... 

I look forward to continuing the release of this series, and hope it is a great learning experience for all! 

Sources (For entire paper)

  1)    Gordon, Sarah B. "The Liberty of Self-Degradation: Polygamy, Woman Suffrage, and Consent in Nineteenth-Century America." The Journal of American History 83.3 (1996): 815-47. Print.  

  2)   Berkowitz, Jason D.       "Beneath the Veil of Mormonism: Uncovering the Truth about Polygamy in the United States and Canada." The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 38.3 (2007): 615-40. Print.  

  3)     Cannon, Charles A. "The Awesome Power of Sex: The Polemical Campaign against Mormon Polygamy." Pacific Historical Review 43.1 (1974). Print.  

  4)   Christiansen, John Richard S. "Contemporary Mormons' Attitudes toward Polygynous Practices." Marriage and Family Living (1963). Print. 

  5)  Cott, Nancy F. Public Vows: a History of Marriage and the Nation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2000. Print.  

 6)  Dunfey, Julie. “Living the Principle" of Plural Marriage: Mormon Women, Utopia, and Female Sexuality in the Nineteenth Century. Feminist Studies 10 (1984): 523-36. Print.  

7)  Embry, Jessie L. "Effects of Polygamy on Mormon Women." A Journal of Women's Studies 3rd ser. 7 (1984): 56-61. Print.  

 8) Firmage, Edwin B. "Free Exercise of Religion in Nineteenth Century America: The Mormon Cases." Journal of Law and Religion 7 (1989): 281-313. Print.  

 9) Foster, Lawrence. Religion and Sexuality: the Shakers, the Mormons, and the Oneida   Community. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1984. Print.  

10)  Gordon, Michael. "The Ideal Husband as Depicted in the Nineteenth Century Marriage Manual."  The Family Coordinator 18.3 (1969): 226-31. Print.  

11)  Hulett, Jr., J. E. “Social Role and Personal Security in Mormon Polygamy." American Journal of Sociology 45.4 (1940): 542-53. Print.  

12)  Hulett, Jr., J. E. "The Social Role of the Mormon Polygamous Male." American Sociological Review 4th ser. 8 (1943): 279-85. Print.  

13)  Iversen, Joan S. "A Debate on the American Home: The Antipolygamy Controversy, 1880-1890." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1 (1991): 585-602. Print.  

14)  Iversen, Joan. "Feminist Implications of Mormon Polygyny." Feminists Studies 10.3 (1984). Print.  

 15) Smith, Joseph. "Polygamy in the United States: Has It Political Significance?" The North American Review 176 (1903): 450-58. Print.  

16)  Thornton, Arland. "Religion and Fertility: The Case of Mormonism." Journal of Marriage and Family 41 (1979): 131-35. Print.  

 17) Van, Wagoner Richard S. Mormon Polygamy: a History. Salt Lake City, UT: Signature, 1986.  Print.  

*All photos from

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