Message to Anarcho Christians and Anarcho Athiests: STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER!

in #religion8 years ago

Having been a social media whore for the past six years, and partaking in hours upon hours of arguments, or in most cases, observation-sharing, I have become particularly disgusted with the mud slinging, ad hominem attacks and even threats that have poured out of the mouths of Christians and Atheists who happen to share the same belief system of following the Non-Aggression Principle. For those of you who aren't aware of the non-aggression principle, it is the belief to never initiate the use of force and coercion against another individual. So if no one is harming the other person, why lose your compassion for your common goal of peace over it?

The typical atheist argument I will hear when they try to envelope me into the typical Christian fold is to use absolutist arguments of "Christians hate gays", "Christians have murdered more people than Hitler" and "Christians are intolerant of other religions and always vote for warmongering Republicans". Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down there, atheist friend! Where was this poll taken that 100% of Christians surveyed hat gays? Personally, I have no problem with gay people, and have a hard time not referring to Jesus's Golden Rule mentioned during the Sermon on the Mount when it said "Treat others as you would want to be treated".

Second, since when were all members of a group to be blamed for the actions of a nation-state in the name of a religion? The crusades? Ok, that happened how long ago, and was funded by royalty and state run churches. (Remember that religious freedom was one of the main reasons that people were willing to die sailing away from Europe in the 1500's). If a Christian abides by the NAP, then how could he support such a thing? So back off, atheist, don't try to create enemies that aren't your own.

Third, "Christians are intolerant of other religions and always vote for warmongering Republicans". Well, this one is easy. Let's start off by bringing up voting and how it is a violation of the NAP. By voting (if it actually worked or were counted honestly) would be an act where you are placing a ruler over other people, who they may not approve of. If I, a disinterested party in your life, contributed to lobbying your boss to fire you and give you a different boss that "I" think is best for you, who the hell gives me the right to do so? The same thing goes with voting. You are choosing people to rule over others by the lawmaking process to create changes that will affect somebody's personal, moral, financial and emotional life. How dare you! So once again, not an NAP abiding Christian. Don't worry, atheists, I'll get to the Christians in a bit.

Fourth, Christians who follow the NAP could care less about other religions, as long as their religions don't violate the NAP. I mean, if a Muslim, Jew or Hindu practitioner followed the NAP, why would I have reason to be intolerant of them? Now if they don't, is it their religion that I am intolerant of, or their illogical reasons for violating my personal freedom because something I don't believe in told them to? It's not about religion, folks. It's about freedom. And yes, the sample size of anarcho Christians can't stand the bullshit that statist Christians throw forward at us either. As a matter of fact, there is a good chance that they annoy us greater than you. (They're the ones shitting all over our religion of peace with their statist garbage.)

Now, Christians on the other hand, have many logical fallacies in their arguments and a portion of them are some of the most aggressive and offensive in their arguments. Some of these fallacies include, but are certainly not limited to: Circular Logic, , appealing to authority and 

The Circular Logic of the Christian Argument against atheists:

 “I believe the Bible is true because the Bible says it is true” ..... Wow. Is that a valid argument, folks. You're kinda making us look dumb with that one. If this is your argument, simply bow out and say you are tired, then go read more.

Ad Hominem Attack:

"You're a no-good sinning heathen!" "You're going to hell"! Ok, folks, that gets into a larger argument of what kind of weak minded idiot are you going to change with that argument? I mean, unless you're in third grade and get a large group of people to pick on another kid, that shit may work. But we're all adults here. Let's stop acting like Kids. And yes, this goes for you too, atheists. ("Well, at least I don't believe in fairytales with unicorns"). Yeah, that should get me to leave my faith. smh

Failed Argument to Ignorance:

Christians (and I as well on occasion) tend to fall victim of this logical fallacy. Christ's existence hasn't been disproven, so therefore he is. Man, oh man. Ok, well, a three headed zombie that hands out winning lottery tickets hasn't been disproven from being in the middle of Alaska, therefore, potato! Yes, Christian brothers, that's kind of what it sounds like to an atheist. If you want to debate that point and waste your time, use multiparty testimony, or simply just talk about something else.

Christians and Atheists often use an argument from silence, which is basing their conclusions on a lack of evidence. A lack of evidence doesn't make your conclusion valid, but rather it just means it hasn't been disproven. It is merely still a theory, not an absolute. 

A final passage for Christians:

  “Always be prepared to give an  answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you  have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear  conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good  behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander” (1 Peter 3:15–16). 

A final message for atheists:

If I want to worship a golden unicorn that farts cotton candy flavored popcorn, and I am not violating the NAP, why do you care? Stop pushing your religion on me as well!

To both: Let's work together, respecting our differences, and try to make a more NAP abiding community, and world :)


Really nice summary of all the 15-yard penalties that should be called in this arena! Loved the memes!

Thanks, Stan. They are a real gem. Help me check myself sometimes too

I had to write this, dude. Both sides of this argument have been a cold sore on my tongue for too long.

"If I want to worship a golden unicorn that farts cotton candy flavored popcorn, and I am not violating the NAP, why do you care? Stop pushing your religion on me as well!" LOL, you got my vote.

We're not actually attacking each other. Its just words on the screen; and if venting here or on quora or reddit prevents another 'holy' war, then perhaps we should consider arguing online as 'a bulwark against something worse'. (to quote Dawkins out of context)

I've never been inclined to read Dawkins, at all. Maybe it was all that acid and mushrooms I ate, just can't have that kind of experience and then flip and go 'oh yeah, there's no patterns in this, no order, no higher meaning, let me go and eat a jar of valium'. Seriously, I cannot understand how it works. But then again, I think at one point I was an antichristian. Now I am just antibullshit.

Same here. I also find it interesting how mushrooms can be therapeutic. Off topic, but just my opinion

Sometimes the lack of logic and facts, and personal attacks seem to divide us from more important goals.

I think that there needs to be a logic 101 course system for internet users. Actually, goddammit! Now there is an idea! A quiz to help you learn to identify logical fallacies. Really, it should be like primary school early material. How to spot bullshit!

But seriously, isn't there a quizmaking platform somewhere. Someone needs to make a quiz that lets you interactively test yourself to master identifying fallacious arguments. It could really help the interwebz get skooled.

Agreed. Pre-Molyneux, I was pretty clueless myself. And to think after 13 yrs of public school and 4 years of university, no logic. Haha

I could never bear to even click on a link that looked like this kind of argument. It would all be just:

wrong, ad hominem

wrong, appeal to authority

wrong, texas sharpshooter

wrong, no null hypothesis

wrong, wtf are you talking about?

True. I had to bring it up. Had waaaaay too many of those discussions on fb.

I am gonna go all agnostic for a change

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