How would you compare the top 3 religions: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism?

in #religion7 years ago

One fine day, three friends

Josy Christian-a (C) , Harry Hindu-iana (H) and Irwy Islam-ac (I) were on a journey inside an aeroplane.

All three of them wanted to jump off the plane just for the sake of thrill and adventure, they believed that a supernatural friend Gordon God-iana (G) will save them anyway.

So they wanted to jump without a parachute.

Without thinking anything, Irwy wanted to jump off the plane taking the name of his friend Gordon. He said,

“Hail Gordon!! He will save me”

“Why?” Josy and Harry asked. Can you prove it?

“Of course I can, Gordon has written a book which says that Gordon will save me. Hence proved.”

Irwy replied and He jumped.

Now it was Harry's turn to jump.

He said

“I can jump easily as even if Gordon is busy, his friends, will save me. He said that Gordon has a whole team of God-ians and anyone of them will be the savior”

He did something strange with colors and fire.

Then he jumped.

Now, it was Christiana’s turn to jump but the aeroplane has already landed.

She said

“You know what? Gordon's only son John died for my sins many years ago, I would rather choose to live until John reincarnates”

The beliefs are all similar, the ultimate friend is Gordon in all these cases.

The ways, they take are different.

Why should we even jump? In the first place.

Just to prove Gordon’s existence?

If Gordon exists, he doesn't need a proof of his existence.

Lets believe in what we want to and let others believe in whatever they feel like.

I don't know Gordon though. I am just another believer.

Believing in nothing is a belief in itself.


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