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RE: Dissing God

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear." I just want to make people consider why they are rebels. In this post, I have referenced no authorities, provided no definitions, done no interpretation. I'm criticizing the process most people go through in determining whether to flip the bird at Someone rather than seeking to learn more about Him.

(Not that there is anything wrong with appealing to authorities, providing definitions, and interpreting Scripture. I do it all the time.)

Otherwise, I'm confined to the limits of my own weak and easily deceived intellect.


@stan I don't know you and I don't mean to pose any judgement as Jake Kotze said: "I can't know what anything means in its totality as it has infinite depth. Sometimes we speak as if we can as it is a matter of convenience or habit."

But I feel like putting this below as some comment.

In other words, the belief in "authority" always endangers the good and empowers the evil.

And that is exactly and precisely what the belief in "authority" is: the insane notion that it can be good to NOT use your own brain and heart to figure out how to behave, but to instead blindly defer to someone or something else. And you don’t have to look far (any history book will do) to see the real-world results of that belief. @larkenrose

I would never advocate not using your brain. Just the opposite.
This post is advocating not flipping off God because of superficial objections you have not done due diligence to get answered.

If you have done your homework, learned all about Him, and still wish to reject His outstretched hand then you are not the kind of person I am poking fun at in this post.

I will then have a different category for you. :o)

We agree on using our brain. Our oneness can be more than physical. The only fact we exist is beyond explanation.

I really love to learn about religions. I'm not a religious person but I see the universe as really Divine or beyond what words can describe.

I "have" a God. Some call it the universe, some consider it the Godless universe and some other consider it the Divine universe. These are words trying to describe something that can't really be easily pinpoint.

Let's enjoy!

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