Self-Conquest - December 9

in #religion7 years ago


The conquest of self is the grandest triumph that man can achieve.

Once a day, at least, recall very earnestly that
“You are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you.”
I Cor. iii. 15

Ꚛ Ninth Day of December

The Lord's Prayer
“Our Father Who Art in Heaven”

O my God! Thou art my Father, and the Father of all, the rock of our salvation. Thou art my protector and my refuge; in Thee will I place my trust. If Thou be with me, who can be against me? I will cast my care upon Thee; for as a Father Thou dost love me and provide for my welfare. “We know that to them that love God all things work together unto good,” says the Apostle (Rom. viii. 28). And Jesus Himself tells us to place our hope in Thee: “Behold the birds of the air; for neither do they sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they? Be not solicitous for tomorrow. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His justice, and all these things will be added unto you.”—Matt. vi. 23, 33, 34.

Jesus Himself directs us to address Thee as “Our Father,” and to pray to Thee in His name with the utmost confidence: “Ask and it shall be given you, for every one that asketh, receiveth; if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him.”— Matt. vii. 7, 11.

Do thou, then, listen to my prayer. From the summit of heaven, where Thou dost dwell and where Thou art the supreme happiness of the blessed, look down upon me with loving-kindness and guard me as Thy child in all my ways. Keep me in Thy love and grant me perseverance in Thy grace, that I may one day see Thee face to face in my true fatherland, and bless and glorify Thee forever in the company of the saints.

Ask yourself: how does this matter affect me personally, what lesson does it convey to me, what suggestion for a better life, how can I improve my conduct; resolve to become a saint at any cost; think upon the eternal years; pray to the Holy Ghost that He may lead you in the way of perfection; finally recite attentively and devotedly the following Act of Consecration to the Holy Spirit:

Oh Holy Spirit, divine Spirit of light and love, I consecrate to Thee my understanding, heart, and will, my whole being for time and for eternity. May my understanding be always submissive to Thy heavenly inspirations, and to the teaching of the Church, of which Thou art the infallible guide; may my heart be ever inflamed with love of God and of my neighbor; may my will be ever conformed to the divine will, and may my whole life be a faithful imitation of the life and virtue of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to Whom with the Father and Thee be honor and glory forever. Amen.
Self-Conquest. Rev. F. X. Lasance. 1936. @selfconquest

God hears the thoughts of men more than he listens to theirs lips, indeed he’s our father, he purchased us with a high price, may our hearts be consecrated for him Amen. Thanks for sharing @selfconquest.

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