A Sick Arse Preacher... I Understand Why People Get Turned Off by Religion ( Must See Video)

in #religion6 years ago

He says he would rather not marry ....

well I'll just let you see for yourself in this video (below) of how warped some people are who hide behind the guise of Religion.

I am a Christian but have struggled to what is Truth and what is Fable. People like this sure don't present a good case to anyone who may be in limbo as far as having Faith in a greater Power !

Btw, there are three different segments in this video if you want to skip ahead to check out this madman : at 25 second mark, 2 minute mark, and finally ends with a bang from this nutcase at 5:34 mark

Peace out,
Robert "Wanting to desperately believe" Andrew


A través de las diversas religiones que existen hoy en dia se esconden muchos males y personas que lo único que buscan es su beneficio personal @robertandrew

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