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in #religion8 years ago

Ignoring the proselytizing - I didn't come here because of the religion tag - I agree with you. I have long been concerned with how the elections fuel certain fires and provoke certain behaviors to become the norm, and the last elections in the US, and the gubernorial election in Jakarta, have been excellent examples of both the disease that infests politics and the consequences of allowing such behavior to be presented in such a fashion that it permeates the culture. I think this has become a poison that festers and turns into diseased flesh, and the sort of campaigning we witnessed for the presidency of the US should never be allowed, nor should the behavior of the media, which routinely lied and distorted facts, fanned the flames of hatred, and promoted such base behavior.


We are certainly on the same page on this reveugam. I think this behavior shames us before the whole world.

I'm 50 yo. If we are honest, our politicians have been a pox on our land and a shame to those of us who are aware enough for many years now. This past election is only one in a long series of attacks on our psyche, and it has done almost as much damage as Bush did with his constant stoking of the fires of fear.

Honestly, I contemplate giving up my citizenship because I am so embarrassed as an American, and because I do not really see that it is going to change. Perhaps, if there were some highly motivated individuals out there who were fighting the good fight, getting lots of positive attention without getting into the dirty fighting, it might be different. But, at this point, the negative aspects of US culture, business, economics, and politics are driving us down a path to destruction - not just of America but of other countries, as well.

Well I am 70 and my confidence and opinion regarding not only the politicians but the other elitists in nearly every aspect of our society [including religion] has become quite cynical. What has been reinforced in my thinking is my opinion that the old time preachers were correct when they referred to the universal sinfulness and self-serving of all humanity.

You have good reason to be cynical. Far too many humans fall far too short of the mark. If the story of Jesus is true, it's no wonder God sent Him, because otherwise Heaven would be empty and Hell would be full. (No, I'm not Christian.)

But, I must encourage you to remain hopeful that there are those who still strive to be worthy. It is a hard thing to do, I know, because I also struggle with losing hope in humans, but if we give up hope we are lost and of no use to others because we will cease to try to make a difference. Hang in there!

Not everyone is beyond redemption - it is available to all, if they just seek it out and do not give up hope that they can become good people.

Careful about using the word "all" as you did...

I wish you success!

Thank you for the kind and thoughtful words. Though I believe the Scriptures that declare that all men are in need of a Savior, I am also convinced that the Almighty has provided the supply of that need. "For God so loved the WORLD that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life." In holding that all men need a redeemer, it is not to say that we mortals are without any gracious, kind, and admiral qualities..... I am saying that I believe that all humanity has sinned and that we are in need of the Savior. If Christ came that he might provide salvation for "all" then it is reasonable to thinke that ALL are in need of that redemption. I hope you have a great week, reveurgam. And may the God of all comfort be with you.

Agree. Great job on the article

Thanks...but this program is about to overwhelm this elderly hillbilly..LOL

ahh.. contrary to what they say, yes you can "teach an old dog new tricks". lol

Well this "old dog" is an exception...He is super dumb and about as technically oriented as a gerble.

Your not "dumb" caught on rather quickly. Great article and something that everyone needs to read and ponder. The little saying about sticks and stones will break our bones but words will never hurt. That is hogwash.. Our words do hurt. They pierce the depths of our heart. They say time heals all wounds but that is far from the truth.. Some words haunt you till the day of your death. It is by God's grace and God's grace only that we can go on surviving.

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