The Stripping Pastor

in #religion7 years ago (edited)


Normally from obligations of being a father with the Ecumenical Catholic church or just simply attending church, people often ask me or wonder why I dance? Or why I am able to dance as a stripper, as if I am rebelling against our faith, church, or God. The truth is, I am not. My church is where I discovered it was okay to make others happy or please them, if you will/wish . There is nothing wrong with that.


This topic is actually one of the church’s dirty little secrets and reason why many people do not know the truth about it. Humans are naturally sexual beings and religion knows people would struggle with sex laws. So, once the individual or individuals feels they have committed a sin against God they feel guilty and compelled to put more money in the collection plate.

Something most christians or people almost always fail to acknowledge is who the laws of sexuality (Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20) were given to. These laws were ONLY given to the Israelites under Moses (and all the foreigners who live with them), but not to the rest of the "nations" (Gentiles).
Leviticus 26:46 ►

These are the decrees, the laws and the regulations that the LORD established at Mount Sinai between himself and the Israelites through Moses.

You might recall the famous time shortly after the Lord had his authority challenged when he spoke about tax collectors and prostitutes. The parable of two sons. Matthew 21:31-32 31 “Which of the two did what his father wanted?”“The first,” they answered. Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.
32For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.

Our Lord often spoke in parables to get his point across but there were multiple meanings behind this verse. One being the love of his life Mary Magdalene, who was a prostitute. But also prostitutes sacrifice their body and sometimes their happiness to make others happy. And lastly obviously repenting is a good thing for anyone who wants to see the kingdom of God.

One may try to challenge us and say there is sexual laws in the bible but the reality is Christ did not give us Christianity the Jews did because they did not want non jewish (Goyim) people learning what God gave to them, the Torah. Though the bible is accurate in many cases it is still made by man and men make errors. All sexually laws beyond Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20 which were given to the Jews is interpretations or opinions on the matter (done quite poor in the case of St.Paul’s writing).

Most people know love is good and providing non detrimental pleasure for another is love. The only restriction placed upon fornication is that it must be consensual :) Now, if you had the thought that I was being hypocritical, now you know.

May God bless you in the holy name RayEl!
Cardinal Adam Muema

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And this is what makes you one of the coolest (or hottest) priests ever!

The church's "dirty little secret"...Especially within the Roman Catholic realm, they have been hiding in the darkness because they do not want the light to expose the way they have twisted everything. Many do not use love in the proper way and are led astray. Yet the light is exposing the wrong that they are doing. [Shame on them!]

What you are doing is in the light and is not abusing the love that we were given to share.

All of this is good to know. They want people to feel guilty all in the name of getting more money out of people. They will answer for their crimes against God.

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