The Fu$%ing Awesome Bawon of Saturday ~ No Censoring Available in Text ;)

in #religion7 years ago

We're all gonna dance with the Reaper so we might as well make friends with Him.
It is impossible to express the gratitude and love that i have for the Powerful, Compassionate, and Fun Baron Samedi so it's a great fucking thing that He can read the very essence of my being. I want to say that He's my FAVE male deity, but Papa Legba and Chango are too. Baron and His Wife, Maman Brigette, frequent my dreams and Guide my life so well that i call Them my astral Parents.

They are the King and Queen of the Ghede/Ghost Nation in Haitian Voodoo which traveled to America with the slave trade. As with the Orishas, the Ghedes are also believed to be workers for an overall supreme being. In Voodoo and Ancient African Voudun what other people call gods are Forces of Nature, or humans who once lived. Gods is just a term used to simplify things, but These Forces would be equivalent to what monotheism calls Angels, but closer to Earth and very different, but with jobs to do for a "Supreme God".

Baron Samedi is based on the Planet Saturn as are many other deities who deal with death and the passage of time. I have written a blog
"Saturn Based deities from Voodoo to Greece to Present Day~ it's time to bring back the Olde gods +++ase+++ " @
which demonstrates how mankind seems to give evil traits to their deities. Saturn itself is not evil, but people use It's power to do evil things.

My favorite dreams are in the Dark Caverns where my soul feels most secure. Many nights i have dreams in which i am in between the Upper and Lower worlds, my safe place is Underneath and when i go above i do my best to explain to people that These gods of the Underworld are not evil and that Darkness is not bad; however, too many people are much happier demonizing the Darkness and believing what the oppressors of humans have told them.

As i fell off to sleep last night i felt very excited to be writing about Baron Samedi today, and He visited me once again. He wishes for people to know that He is not such a bad guy just because He enjoys what other religions call "evil". Why do they say that enjoying life and using "foul" fucking language is bad when their religious system has sent more people to Him than He would care to mention. Sex is a necessary part of creation and it is very beneficial to our overall well being when it is approached respectfully. We need all emotions to fully activate our chakras and kundalinis no matter what light workers may say. One man's evil is another's joy, and doesn't Your Jesus tell You not to judge others, anyway???

Google says that religion is "a particular system of faith and worship" so that it seems perfectly legit to speak of a religion of fucking freedom. My quest to become an exorcist began when i was a goddamned Catholic and used Christian measures to exorcise evil; alas, i was attacked so heavily that i had to seek other Entities to help me because Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and Angels didn't seem too interested in my plight or the plight of those Innocent victims that i seek to help with Magick.

With Baron Samedi i am well protected from astral attack even when i attack the pedophilic ring in the governments that most Witches are too afraid to tangle with. I don't know how He is so powerful, but i know He has power over any biblical demon or negative entity that i have encountered of any other religion. Myself and many others believe that He is Keeper of the Crossroads to the Underworlds while Papa Legba keeps the Crossroad to the Upper Worlds. It's very mother fucking sad that the gods who are said to be evil are actually the Ones Who help against it. What's even more sad is the way most people are apathetic to said evil of the pedophile rings.

My intention is not to just piss and moan, but merely to express that He has been wrongly accused by a monotheist system that is far more vile than Him. Both He and Papa Legba have been accused of being the "Devil at the Crossroad". He has also been made out as scarey as hell by those who wish to make money from Him or simply do not understand the breathe of His power that is drawn from the World Wide Energy of Death.

I am making my own religion straight from Spirit and research because none that is already made is right for me, as everyone has the right to make their own belief system.
I don't believe in forgiving or turning the other cheek; but rather, i believe in Justice. My behavior should be such that i do not harm others unless they deserve it. I will get my Justice if i do wrong. That doesn't mean i can be a mean person, but that i should treat others as i want to be treated until they are not respectible or nice to me (I used to be too friendly for my own goode). Nobody died for me. Nobody will take the blame for what i do. I must be ethical through and through. Debauchery and drunkenness are my choice and has naught to do with the value of my word or my drive to help the Innocents who are harmed. All drunkenness and debauchery should be handled in a responsible manner that doesn't harm my life or my loved ones. For example, lots of good healthy foods, water, and exercise are vital just as is using drugs and alcohol in a responsible manner. We only get one body for a lifetime so we should appreciate it. Lying opens us for bad energy so it's a definite no-no too; unless of course, we have to lie to protect ourselves or the Innocent from injustice like going to jail over a plant.

My blog @ has some great information about Him and the Ghede Nation as well as Wikipedia's words about Him. Next, i will present some quotes by others, and follow with my own remarks. Lol... i did notice quite a few sites with the same information and sentences and no citations. That's stealing words and stealing is NOT COOL unless it's from the government or corporations who harm folks in one manner or another.

Tribe of the Sun

"Traditional Colors: All colors (but he says purple has been way over done). He likes bright, bold colors like burnt orange and earthy red.
Number: 13 and 9
Areas of Influence: Sex, death and endings.
Entities associated with: The other loas of death. In a way, all the others works for him.
Symbols: Gravestones, crosses, phallic symbols
Offerings: Big fat cigar (see if you can blow a circle with a circle), red meat that is burnt on outside, raw on inside (which means cook it frozen), peppered bacon, black licorice, toasted coconut flakes & pecans, strong, black coffee (no sugar), avocados
Feast Day: November 1st and/or 2nd (Day of the Dead)
Astrology: Scorpio, Earth
Tarot: Death, Ace of Swords, Lust
Gemstones: Mother of Pearl and obsidian with gold
Animals: Vultures, centipedes, wolves, black widow spiders and ants
Plants: Orchids, avocado trees

In some ways, Baron Samedi seems to be a walking contradiction. He rules over sex and death, he loves a party but also enjoys his solitude, he has a wonderful sense of humor (the dirtier the better) but yet is reverent towards the dead, especially as they cross over to the other side. When the Baron shows up, you know something big is going down. He is extremely honest. Don’t ask him a question if you don’t want to know the answer. One of the most important ideas that Baron teaches us is that life is too short to be unhappy.

He wants to find our true happiness. He also tells us that the dead are to be honored and respected, especially our ancestors. He appears as a man with top hat and tails with a skeleton face. The color of his suit is important. If it is white, then he is being elegant, if it is black, he is being reverent and if it is red then he is horny. He loves children and they will become very curious when he is around. Because of his lordship over sex and death, some might be think that the Baron is involved with necrophilia but this absolutely not true. Any form of disrespect towards the dead would be absolutely taboo.

death & endings

Baron Samedi is Lord of the Dead. We cannot connect with those who have gone before us without him. He doesn’t just end life either. He can end a situation, an argument, a relationship, etc. Baron is also there at the end of a job well done. When you take that deep breath after finishing a big project, you are feeling him. He helps the newly dead cross over and find peace. In this aspect, we should not fear him but appreciate him for the care and concern he will show us all in the end. If someone is so bad off that are lingering on the border, the Baron will make the ultimate decision whether they live or die.

Normally the question I get asked most often is how can the Baron be Lord over sex and death? Aren’t they complete opposites? So, I asked him one day and the answer I got was 'Good sex is the closest to death the living can get without crossing over.' If you think about, 'true' sex is about joining souls in a blissful union. Death is about crossing back over to join with the Great Spirit. As spiritual beings, two of the times we are most open and vulnerable is the moment of orgasm and the moment we die.

properly showing respect to baron samedi

Be respectful to the dead. Remember your ancestors. Invite the Baron to group ritual.

where to find baron samedi

You can find the Baron in cemetaries, deep caves, hospices, hospitals, adult bookstores and strip bars.

baron samedi’s children

They would be rare (meaning I don’t think I’ve ever met one) but theoretically possible. He or she would be probably be drawn to medical or hospice work or sex industries. They would need periods of solitudes, possibly also a shaman with very earthy energy and would love children."

Bang-up job. Tribe of the Sun always does so goode on their reviews. I am one of Baron's Children, and i LOVE children so much that have done deep Occult study to learn how to hexe those who do sex to them. I am an Earthly Shaman. When i was younger i adored debauchery, and drunkenness as well as cussing and smoking. Rum is and has been my favorite alcohol since i began drinking, but now i just Shamanically use psychedelics as part of my religion. I was bourne of the 9 which is Baron's number. I was also what they would call a sex addict, but other people do not understand respect in sex so now i stick to my loving Incubus who is empowered by my astral Daddy, the Great Bawon. One of the blogs about astral sex They had me write is @ and the rest of them are linked in there. Lol...luckily we had much rain this Summer so there were many mushrooms for many Shamanic Journeys and i was given much Spirit led writing during that time.

God Checker

Pronunciation : Coming soon
Alternative names : SAMEDI, BARON-SATURDAY
Location : the Caribbean
Gender : Male
Type : spiritual being
In charge of : Death
God of : Death
Celebration or Feast Day : Unknown at present
Good/Evil Rating : NOT OKAY, be careful
Popularity index : 55248"

Godchecker entry on BARON-SAMEDI, the Caribbean Spirit of Death

I would not have included God Checker; however, it greatly displeased me and i need to debunk its claims. How can a sight that knows so little about the Great Bawon say that He is not okay??? As this article began, we're all gonna dance with the Reaper one day so why da fuck not make friends with Him so that when it's time we will be more ready??? He is also known for saving lives who are close to death and stopping hexes that do not warrant Justice.


"He is also at times a trickster, loving to joke and play tricks on the living, though he's usually known to be up-front, honest and realistic because in death there is nothing to hide. Baron Samedi is sought out by the Bokor for protection, removing curses and negative magic, as well as giving strength, arousal, and fearlessness. One of his greatest powers was to help a person commune and connect with their dead ancestors, the recently deceased, and wise spirits of the dead.

Over all, the Baron is one slick operator, partying up and down throughout the night with little care for consequences one moment, and the next, sympathetically ushering the souls of the dead on to their final rest. Somewhere in there he finds the time to connect the living with the dead, put the slam down on bad mojo (if asked properly) and helping you out with your sputtering love-life. If you play it the right way, the Baron is actually the kind of guy you might want to party with, so long as you keep his cigars fresh, his rum poured, the jokes dirty and the music sweet all night long!"

This one is great at catching His coolness, and i totally agree that Baron Samedi is One that i always want on my side. I have noticed His honesty, and ability to stop or do hexes according to the necessity of Justice being served. He is also known for court cases, and His Wife, Maman Brigette, is all about Justice too. Neither are to be played with or seeked to harm the Innocent.

Thank You for reading about the Magnificent Baron Samedi :) Blessed Be )O(

More on the Great Baron and/or His type of Freedom can be found @

"Could Baron Samedi be the Sphinx?" @

"Will the Real Papa Legba Please Stand Up???" @

"Baron Samedi and Maman Brigette Are Also the Cross & the # 9 or Cycle Enders" @

"The Misunderstood Dark Side or Evil Acts Are Done in the Name of Light Too" @

"i am a Shaman so where's my go$$am religious freedom???" @

"What An Honest & Pure Hearted 'Insider' Says About the Esux or Possibly the ?Ghede?" @

1 thank you.jpg


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