A MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in #religion7 years ago


Testimony of a Colombian sister

We would like to allotment with you the

experience an 83 year old Colombian sister, a assistant of God who grew up in the Abbey and in the Word of God, afresh had.

When she was praying for the Abbey and for the imminent

return of Christ, this sister had an

unforgettable abnormal experience.

While she was praying, built-in on her bed, she was al of a sudden bent up to heaven, admitting her physique was still there, as anchored on her bed.

From heaven she looked down and

saw bags and bags of

demons on the earth, which she begin aching to attending at; it was awful.

As she was bent up added up again, she saw a aperture which was absolutely open, and already entered through this door, she saw an endless army of angels on her appropriate and an endless army of angels on her left, and in the

middle of them, she saw a radiant

Being built-in on a white horse.

He had a acme on the arch and on his thighs was written: "King of kings, Lord of lords."

His face was so beaming that one could not see it; but she

understood from the writings and the crown, that it was absolutely the King of kings and the Lord of lords, JESUS.

Above, she saw angels even more

numerous who were hasty about and who were fussing about the tables in an badly big place.

But the sister did not administer to accept what was accident about her, and again she was taken by Jesus who told her:

"These angels run because they accept to bustle to adapt the marriage supper. Everything is

ready. The adjustment is already accustomed by

My Father. Everything has been anchored from now on."

Lord replied the woman: "But what is the acceptation of all these demons that I aboriginal saw on the earth?"

Jesus answered her: "In My Word it is accounting that in the endure canicule demons will be advance on apple like never before.

And now they are already appear on the earth; that is why the apple is in such turmoil. These demons wish to abort My people, they wish to breach them abroad from My presence, to affliction them, to besprinkle them and to abstract them, so that they are not accessible for My


"But Lord, what will appear to Your

people? These demons are horrible,

the woman exclaimed." Again the Lord took her added up and said to her: "Look!" And she saw a abundant army of angels, which one could not count. He said: "Look at My army! It is all- powerful!

But it is there to set alone My humans free! Alone those who accept accustomed Me as claimed Saviour and Lord of their activity and who did this with all their heart. "

Then the sister asked Him: "But, Lord, those humans down there, are they not all Yours?" And Jesus took her in a allowance abounding of mirrors and afterwards giving her a white robe, He acicular out to her how by far the bathrobe seemed white and spotless, but closely, it was a bathrobe abounding of actual baby and ephemeral spots.

Then she became sad, because spots represent sin and she began to cry because her bathrobe was dirty. At that moment, Jesus entered the allowance and told her: "See my child? Despite the actuality that you were built-in in the Church, that you grew up in the Gospel, that you are my servant, that your knees are damaged by cavity of praying, in animosity of all these, there are still things that I do not like in you. You accept to absolve yourself."

Then He says: "I am traveling to show

you something stronger." And He took her to the bounded abbey which she currently attends in Colombia.

It was during a day of service. The abbey was crowded, and He told her: "Listen, my daughter, I beam all the casework and as you can see it yourself, there is no bathrobe altogether white and the dirtiest apparel are those of the elders and the leaders. Attending attentively."

She looked and saw that all of them

had bedraggled garments, some garments

were torn, some were abounding of spots and were dark, but she realised that those in the affliction action belonged to the elders and to the leaders.

She was actual abashed by the eyes and began to cry, because in her church, there was no white garment. But suddenly, all aloft easily to admire and acclaim the Lord and their easily were bleeding.

Jesus said to her: "This claret which you see in their easily is a claret of sin which has just been committed, a beginning sin, and not the claret of Jesus which washes and cleanses from sin."

And this prevented the adoration from extensive the head of His Grace.

Jesus affected people's active and

suddenly their thoughts became

audible. Their thoughts were far from getting angry appear the Lord, they were just there, admiration God but their thoughts were on the things of circadian life, the courtships, the sending of emails, etc. One was cerebration about his

house, addition about his car, still

another about his children, etc. until the end of the service.

And Jesus said: "You see, the thoughts of humans in the abbey are not angry to My Father, but rather to the things of circadian life, to the things of the world.

That is why the adoration of this abbey does not get to My head . They are neither anxious with My reign, nor with My return."

And He took her by the duke and went with her to altered churches in the apple and He told her: "This one I accept never visited it, that one I accept never ordered it to be opened, that added one is managed by satan ...

" They visited abounding churches all over the world, she asked Him: "But Lord, who again can be saved?" And Jesus answered her: "All those who will ablution and blanch their apparel in My blood."

He again took her to see a across-the-board appearance of all the churches, and al of a sudden she looked at Him and she saw Jesus who was complaining bitterly. She was actual confused to see the Lord who was

weeping that way: "But Lord, You cry added than I!"

And He said: "Yes my child, the affliction is that they all anticipate that they are saved. " And she said: "But, Lord, what is the purpose of this

vision which you appearance me?" He

answered her:

"Listen!" "Tick-tock, Tick-tock, Tick-tock ...." And the noise

increased added and more.

"Do you apprehend my child?" And she says: "Yes Lord, it is the babble of a clock!"

"Listen again!" "Tick-tock, Tick " and

the alarm stopped. He told her: "Do you hear?" And she answered:

"There is no added noise!" And Jesus told her: "Go and acquaint the churches that time is over!

Tell the churches that time is over!"

God absolve you!


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