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RE: Israeli Christian murdered by dad in ‘honor killing' over romance with Muslim

in #religion7 years ago

some body got their panties in a bunch!!!

sorry you have incorrectly perceived my thoughts.

Did you miss the part that this was a HONOR KILLING because his religion deems it so?

Religion cannot be evil it is only a thought process, religion is a mental construct, a illusion created by man.

It is the FORMING of a religion that is evil. Is that clear enough for you?

It is for weak minded people (followers) who cannot think for them self and have to be told a certain mental construct on how they should live THEIR life. Every religion has one.

Religions TELL people how they should be, act, live and KILL. Every religion has a dogma of how one should live their life.

You judge and label me but does not your religion say DO NOT JUDGE? Typical christian hypocrisy!!

You do not know me!! You have not walk in my shoes!!

Do you honestly believe morality comes form religions?

Are you telling me you needed a religion to tell you"Thou shalt not kill?"

That would make you a weak minded simpleton that does not know right from wrong unless you are told by a religious leader.

Does not the Bible tell you, you do not need temples and leaders?

That you are to go within and seek the God and his kingdom and the truth? To go into YOUR closet and shut the door in the darkness and silence? That everything is WITHIN YOU?

The darkness is your mind and the silence is meditation.

Is not God is within you at all times? It is your OWN work to find truth or do you NEED a religion for that work?

I know for a fact I DO NOT need anybody telling me how to live this life given to ME by the Creator!!!

It is all written in the heart.

All religions are about control power and greed. YES religion is a EVIL that has cause the DEATH of BILLIONS over the course of history!!

Spirituality is a different matter.


Hope you get your panties straightened out again soon.

Also your religious facts.


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