Speaking In Tongues: Research & Personal Experience

in #religion6 years ago

It embodies your NDE at a point in time and includes an expectation of future moments (as does any present moment) and your sense of self (as does any dream). Having had an NDE of my own and not being able to explain it as anything other than being outside my body, I fully believe in life after death. That being was right my time had not yet come. For requests or a full conversational prayer, I need to dedicate time to only that. In fact, it’s likely that within their last moment of time they are eagerly awaiting the next. Thus, to them it’s not timeless. How can can you conclude that "We don't like the truth, even if it cannot be explained for centuries," when the truth under those conditions is something we couldn't know and, therefore could neither like nor dislike? Greater detail can be found in the many stories recounted and analyzed in Dr. Newton's books as well as in my own Michael Newton Souls.

When I read Dr Michael Newton's books years ago, they immediately resonated with me. This is science, but you need to read the books in detail to see how conclusive it is. See "The Book of Joshua" from the Bible. It's exciting to be one of those who poke their noses into the unknown and try to make sense of what they find. That's your choice, but try to tune in better to what drives the interest. John Lennon and George Harrison both knew of their impending deaths and didn't try to stop it . It really hasn't changed my life because I have long thought that the best choice was live as if we had one chance for anything. It appears to have done the same for many of my fellow Christians, although the effect is far from universal. I have never charged anyone for messages from spirit. Usually the messages are short but meaningful, sometimes they are more involved.

This is a little more challenging, but the more you do it the better you get at it. Employing tongues during musical worship may be simply a way for me to operate in a venue (language) which works well for me, rather than one (music) which has never held much interest. July 1981) This is not my experience, nor have I ever heard any of my friends speak about their tongues experience that way. In the years since then, speaking in tongues has settled into a regular place in my life as a Christian. For many years I felt so alone in my experience. Not necessarily. You are making assumptions about what this experience will mean to you. Hope you will continue to research all of this and keep us informed. It warms me to think that they will be there to greet us when it is our turn. I understand the roots, but I think the story is the opposite. If I had to choose, back into my body or go with this wonderful being, I think I would have gone with him.

I have learned that the light is not here or there, all life is one. Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon--Survival of Bodily DeathIntrigued by the similarities in stories he heard from patients who were near death, as a young physician, Moody decided to dig deeper. I also am very sorry for the loss of your brother at such a young age. I recounted this story to my parents one day a year or two ago as we were just discussing ghosts etc. And my mum revealed the rest of the story. Because of that, we are learning new stuff every day. But how do we explain dream visitations, which are common occurrences and have striking commonalities despite varied cultural, religious and spiritual beliefs of people who lose their loved ones. TransplantedSoul: I have pondered that from a religious aspect and non. We're lucky so many people have had the courage to face ridicule to talk about theirs.

Renowned linguist William Samarin of the University of Toronto brought both a linguistic and an anthropological lens to his research on speaking in tongues, and conducted himself with great respect towards the people he studied. What is speaking in tongues, really? Samarin concluded that speaking in tongues, although it resembles language, is not a language. Great lens with one mind blowing subject. I always learn so much and this one in particular is so well done. Many countries are attacking syria so what shall be done. We are babies in that life. Is life after death so threatening for some reason? Acquaintances, friends and family routinely meeting the subject at death's door, often those the person near death had never met in real life and something those he or she did not know were dead before them. Near death experiences, first explored in depth by Dr. Raymond Moody, opened a door that future researches walked through.

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It sounds like unbiblical nonsense. NDE's are demonic in origin. People who have them almost always describe going to Heaven regardless of their spiritual condition. They're deceived about their actual spiritual condition.

Tongues are another word for languages. It's clear from scripture that they're languages.

(Acts 2:4-11 NIV) All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. {5} Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. {6} When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. {7} Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? {8} Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language? {9} Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, {10} Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome {11} (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs--we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!"

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