Why American Christians Love Donald Trump

in #religion7 years ago


I often hear discussions about why religious Christians have such strong support for Donald Trump. The reason people are perplexed by this is that he seemingly leaves a questionably in moral personal life, which it is presumed evangelical Christians would dislike him for. Evangelicals are a powerful voting block, but it should be made clear that not all of them suppport Trump. Only the vast majority of them do.

His personal transgressions and affairs are not ignored by evangelicals, they are just contextualized in the same way the transgressions of King David were. I’m not comparing Donald Trump to King David by any means nor are evangelicals. The fact that King David was a great leader even though he had affairs and questionable moral judgment is where the comparison lies in thier view.

Evangelical Christians feverishly support people who support their causes. There number one cause his religious liberty which includes the flashpoint issue of the anti-abortion pro life stance. The fact that Donald Trump focusses so much time and effort on these issues makes him a hero to these people. The fact that he is going to a big rally in support of pro life in the same week that a porn star is publishing the story of him paying her off doesn’t seem ironic to evangelicals. He knows that he must be a tireless champion of their religious causes and in return they will support him. Both sides are very clear on this arrangement. Neither side is trying to trick the other side. I hope this clears up some of the confusion.

Photo from foxnews.com

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