Deconstructing the divine

in #religion5 years ago (edited)


By now everyone is familiar with churches on fire, shootings at mosques and synagogues, just as it used to be schools not long ago. Why are these events happening? How did we get there?

The short answer is to change society. A society in which children trust another, make friends and understand the value of friendship will be more likely to question the education they receive, should it present homosexual sex as mainstream for example. The goal is to change young minds by creating distrust between another so that current year sex ed and less obvious forms of indoctrination will not be brought into question. Roman classics such as Caesar's Gallic Wars were removed from the curriculum - despite being the cornerstone of Western education. It happened very quietly, without media exposure or outbursts made public. Why this book? Because it explains how a small group of disciplined individuals managed to conquer an area 50 times larger than their own. Removing it from the curriculum removes the idea that it's possible to take down something much bigger and larger if you are disciplined and think strategically on how to achieve your goal. Teenagers are regularly bathed into some tailor-made culture of promiscuity, violence and drugs by music songs, media, tv series, so on and so forth. The recurring goal being to make them focus on anything except what would give them the ability to organize and come together in an effort to defend their own political interests when they are grown up. These adults will keep voting and using gas in their vehicles and consider their declining purchasing power to be something there is nothing to be done about. As stated in my previous blog entry, the court system has been diligently set up to prevent change from happening. By that I mean change benefiting the majority of the population, the poor and the large portion of the middle class (or what it used to mean). By reading this book, today's adults would know that there is no way out. They would either leave the country or worse, identify and take down the power brokers behind the Bilderberg meetings and the like. That would be the most quiet and most efficient way of creating change without resorting to the impossible task of trying to change the political system - which is a waste of time.


That was it for school shootings, what about religious places?
The goal here is to create interfaith distrust between some faiths and not others. Create distrust between the Catholics, the Muslims and the Jews. Create everlasting bonds between the Protestant/Evangelical Church and the Jews. That is done for obvious strategic reasons. Let's say that Muslims and Catholics decide that they have enough of American propaganda, that renders every media manipulation agency (UPI, AP, Reuters, AFP, APA, DPA, SDA, so on and so forth) completely useless. They wouldn't be able to convince you that it's okay to kill Arabs because they're evil, it's perfectly fine to have their kids used as cannon fodder and starve their infants if that means more oil. It's fine for F16s to bomb school buses, weapon sales are good for business, and there is absolutely no need to be concerned as every channel and newspaper says so. In retrospect, state-funded programs regarding propaganda, education and physiological responses work in harmony. The physiological part was when they decided to lower young mens autonomous sensory meridian responses, making them less likely to have an aggressive response (see below). That essentially lowered crime rates over decades in parallel of porn being widely available over the internet. The thing is that they started seeing a spike in depression and suicides after that (still happening) so they tried patching it up by setting up the whole asmr video thing - in case you wondered where it came from. That of course is like fixing a broken leg with a band-aid. In a nutshell the goal is to make interfaith trust increase among the faiths that serve the interests of the wealthy and create distrust among the others, thus making it impossible for them to organize the poor on a larger scale. You'll notice once again that taking away one's ability to successfully organize with like-minded people is their main objective. I was raised as a Christian and I have Muslim heritage. I believe that makes me more observant of this whole charade and although I can't speak for others, I'd like to say that the guy who shot the mosque in Christchurch was as much of a tool than any terrorist. Unable to understand the world as it is, manipulated by his environment, unable to defend his interests in a constructive manner as that ability was taken away from him. This is the man of the future you're looking at. Meanwhile power keeps being brokered to the presidential candidates that would be the most likely to convince masses of the necessity to keep working while their purchasing power decreases and their freedoms keep carefully eroding, as fast as public revolts can possibly be avoided. The only way out right now is an appeal to end the state and contractor-funded propaganda. It's not like it used to be during WW2 with banners trying to sell you war bonds, money printing is no longer the issue, it's about dividing. I can't stop them from broadcasting propaganda but I can write about it in the hopes that someone will just see the content being presented to them for what it is - and allow them to retain their critical judgement to do its job in light of what I wrote.


"The physiological part was when they decided to lower young mens autonomous sensory meridian responses, making them less likely to have an aggressive response (can't say how). That essentially lowered crime rates over decades in parallel of porn being widely available over the internet.>"

Why can't you say how? Is it not the destruction of testosterone via feminizing endocrine disrupting chemicals in the environment, including food and it's packaging?

"The only way out right now is an appeal..."

While providing salient information to those competent to grasp it is a form of appeal, and which I heartily approve of, there's no evidentiary support that appealing to overlords is anything other than a source of entertainment for them. Indeed, the work you cite, 'Caesar's Gallic Wars' and others of the ilk, as you indicate in the OP, reveal actual mechanisms for effecting positive change.

Could you clarify these points for me?


Nice catch on food additives. For the second part I'll refer you to John Taylor Gatto who describes the phenomenon better than I can. Those in a hurry can skip to 2:24:30 but if you have some free time later the whole thing is worth listening to.

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