in #religion7 years ago

Doctrines are pillars upon which religion hangs. #Religion according Karl Max is the opium of the masses. Religion seeks to introduce man to God and train up man to walk in accordance with Godly principles. Godly principles which have become doctrinal has brought segregation and misunerstanding among differnt religions and tribes. No religion supports theft, fornication or corrupt practices.ln the nut shell we are one people created in Gods image for a common good.


If you call him Allah ,others may call Him Onyame. This implies that though our doctrines are different, we seek to achieve a common goal, mans relationship with God and societal development. Days of worship, modes of worship and the like should therefore not bring chaos and anarchy. But cause us to realize that there are several ways of killing a cat.;the ultimate goal is to see the cat dead.So is religion and doctrines. Our doctrines may differ but our faith in God and good morals cannot be overemphasized.


Thanks bro. Click blog to check this my post. I earned $0.00, albeit you would find it worthy and give me feedback (corrections, submissions and comments) for the benefit of us all. Thanks once again @kester282

You are so!!! right and it is time for us to come together as a family. @kester282

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