This Is The Honest To God Steemed Truth!

in #religion8 years ago

Jesus said; "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Lord."
Schollars estimate there were approximately 2 1/2 million people on earth at the time of the flood. ONLY 8 survived.

What a staggering thought. We have about 8 billion people at this present moment. So percentagely speaking there would be about 100 million people saved world wide. Not that many people when you begin comparing statistically.

Whats really astonishing is the attitude we have today towards God and His Word. It is exactly as it was towards Noah and his family as they built the ark and trying to witness to the people that a holocust of astronomical proportions was coming.

Try to tell someone today that total destruction is coming and Jesus is their ticket to safety. You will be laughed at and possibly put in jail. This is the reality we live in today. Everyone has their apples in the same basket with this present presidential elections thinking that one of these elected delegates is going to change things for the good of all.

They are puppets on a string. They are controlled by God and His Word is as sure as the ground we stand on. Prophecy datails a horrifying scenario that this world is going to encounter in the very near future. Don't get angry at me, I'm just a mesenger.

I'm not going to spend my time telling you what you want to hear. I'm going to tell you what "thus saith the Lord" says. Today we have all these preachers telling everyone how good they are and how wealty than can be if they will give just a little bit more. Instead of telling them to come into the ark of safety, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Theres so much prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes and it seems the eyes and ears are closed to hear and see. Here's a prophetic event that ocurred last week that is of major proportions. Turkey who was our ally has now become allies with Russia fulfilling Ezekiel 38.

To scholars this is known as the "Ezekiel 38 War." The world is realing like a drunkard. Australia is in desperate trouble as is Europe.
Russia and China have made alliences. China is the kings out of the east spoken of in revelation 17-18. We are litterally seeing prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes. It truly is as the days of Noah were. This is a time of great joy---because Jesus said; "look up for your redemption draws nigh."

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