Star Of Bethlehem

in #religion8 years ago

Hello, I am Cardinal Samantha Kennedy of the E.O.C. Today I would like to talk to you about the Star of Bethlehem. 

Ok, let us see the facts of what happened.We know that The three kings were religious scholars known as the Magi, Babylonian astronomers and astrologists. They studied the stars and planets, they would be interpreting the meaning behind cosmic events. Anything that was very unusual was considered an omen, so the star must have been both rare and visually spectacular it would have had a very clear message for the Magi. The best explanation for this series of events is something known as a triple conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn - with the two planets coming close together in the sky three times over a short period. But, we must also include another fact which is the second Sun we know from Ancient Sumerian records as Nemisis and Nibiru. Saturn in itself represents A king of Israel. The top of that planet gives the sign of Israel.  

Scripture says about The Star of Bethlehem which has its roots in the opening verses of the Gospel of Matthew, which states:

Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. 

According to Matthew, they saw some astronomical event as a foretelling of Christ's birth. And he is the only one who actually mentions the Magi in his Gospel. Do not forget that the astrologers would interpret such celestial event as a major portent, signalling a sort of royal birth. Couple that with the expectation of a Messiah born from the house of David as Yeshua was.

We must understand that there is more to this and scholars are not seeing the full picture. They have looked at the wrong date for starters. They look at December the 25th which is a pagan day, not the true Birthdate of the Christ which is the 11th day of the 9th month. 

This would most likely upset some Christians because they believe the lie that has been done to manipulate them along time ago. That is also another reason why they have the wrong day for Sabbath. But, when we look at the evidence and facts of the Jewish celebrations and feasts then things become clear. Look at the Fact that John the Baptist who was the cousin of Yeshua was so many months older.  

Elizabeth pregnancy and the visit of the Holy Mother Mary and How long Mary stayed with her.  

Then there is the Fact that the seasons the Shepherds are in the fields for. By the end of Sept, they are no longer there. So NOT December. September as you know represents the Virgin (Virgo). 

And now again in our time before our Lord came to his Host we were looking for Nemisis (second Sun) coming towards us. And as quoted in scripture The Second Coming of the Son of Man. The Days of Noah began just before He came in 2011. This year we have another conjunction of the Planets 5777 is going to be the year of the Messiah. His Crowning and the Judgement foretold.  

And during the year 5777, the Second Sun passes giving great Tribulation. Everything is written in the stars and many signs were given, we needed to be more aware with our eyes open to see them. Also, keep an eye out for the change in Saturn for it will become a Sun. 

One thing I will add because you're probably thinking how do I know that Nemisis was around at the time of the Birth of Yeshua. Well,we know that Yeshua was crucified at 33yrs of age and that the Sun darkened and the ground shook. These were effects from Nemisis passing our Planet at that time. So it was already around our system 33 years prior. So it was coming towards our system just as our governments have been monitoring the same today. It is a Red Sun (Dark Star) with 7 planets surrounding it. When you combine the three alignments with the Nemisis system you have a Major celestial event worthy of the Son of God. 

Written by: Samantha Kennedy, Cardinal Ecumenical Order of Christ

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