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RE: Does the Teleology argument prove the existence of God?

in #religion8 years ago

I believe that DNA is enough prove of a higher intelligence being involved in the creation. It could not have happened by accident, just like the second image of the shells. That is the beauty of the argument, for me this is the proof that we have been waiting for that there must've been a higher intelligence which set everything in motion, even Natural Selection.


But it did. There's overwhelming evidence for how DNA evolved from RNA. Here's a pretty good paper which explains clearly how DNA evolved.

I'm sure once you read it and all the sources, and do some more research, you'll agree that there's no need or requirement for a higher intelligence for the creation of DNA. Or for that matter, RNA.

Thanks @liberosist. let me have a read and I will provide some comments on the paper at a later stage.

@liberosist, congrats again with you latest post that trended. Well deserved. I always enjoy reading your comments and you seem to be very knowledgeable. I still wanted to ask: In what line of work are you?

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