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RE: Sermons You'll Never Hear In Church - "Render Unto GOD What Is His."

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

Bravo! Excellent post. I've often looked at this exchange as "render unto God". Thank you for this study. I wish I could upvote this 1000X.

It makes my teeth hurt when glory is given to Caesar, as if he was being glorified by the Son of God Himself. Disgusting!

It's also obnoxious when people say the bible sanctions bowing down to governments and paying their taxes, as if you are sinning against God if you don't. Whether they know it or not, they are equating the government with God. Ugh.

I was thinking... according to scripture, what belongs to God?

The earth belongs to YHVH and the fullness therein. All the inhabitants and everyone dwelling in her. Psalm 24:1

It seems as if scripture answers that question for us. @ironshield


Greetings, my new friend @ironshield.

"I wish I could upvote this 1000X."

Thank you so very much for your encouraging affirmation today. I needed it, and it was worth to me more than a 1000x upvote! ;)

"Whether they know it or not, they are equating the government with God."

Ah, how true, and how blind we have become to this truth!

Scripture does indeed have the answers, if only we listen to and believe what we see there.

Thank you again for your encouraging visit, and for Re-Steeming my article. It's very nice to "meet" you here today.


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