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RE: Interesting Perspective...

in #religion6 years ago

🤔 how many times is there that one can find that "Jesus" is told the very same as Moses? Numerous. Like, "man does not live by bread alone..." or "teacher, teacher how do I pray?" "Do not pray with many words (highlights duet 6:14 - the shema)

The ten commands are worthy to display. As so, everyone looks upon them (hopefully incriminating themselves and thus brings about change 'beatitudes'). Without this concept the sermon on the mount would be subjected to vast and sometimes wild interpretation. Its also, to demonstrate that the Covenant with Moses is eternal.

If you carefully read in the bible you'll see that, Moses and "Jesus" have many parallels. Both died, yet no bodies. Both communed with The Creator on the mountain. Both tried to instill law into a generation of people and lead them out of their wantonness.


As a Christian, I think it is important to listen to and thoughtfully address/consider all criticism of Christianity. What has caused the critic to think this way? Has a past experience with a Christian or with a church caused this? What can we as Christians do to address the concerns raised?

If we do not address these questions and throw the questions or critic aside as invalid or a lost cause, what good will that cause?

The Beatitudes are, as Jesus is, the continuation and fullfillment of the law of Moses and the Ten Commandments. Both are important on their own, but together within the context of what they represent and stand more are greater than on their own.

There are 613 laws of Moses (recorded in Tanakh).

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