in #religion7 years ago

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Well done, good and faithful servants you have been faithful servant you have been faithful with a few thing's; I Will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness
zig ziglar said " You know you are at the top when you stand in front of your creator of the universe and He say to you" Well done thou good and faithful servants.

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There is a direct correlation between your talents and the reward that comes to you in life . A faithful use of your talents will definitely open to you a flood gate of reward .
When you are faithful in using those little talents you've been able to uncover, the spirit of God will open you up to more. How do you become Faithful in use of your talents? first remember that God expect you to function according to the ability He as given you.

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Romans 12:6 says God has given each one of us specia ability to do a certain things well. God will only hold you accountable on those thing He has given special ability to do well. That is why it is not how many areas of gifting you functions in that matter but how faithful you are Even in the smallest thing . Your talents are there for you to solve problems for humanity not to add more problems.

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Your talents are to add color to the. world not to add gloom . Your talents are there to make the world the best place not the worst place .When you stand before Almighty God, what will He say to you? Reappraise your life now to see if you've been faithful in using your talents.

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