Fanatism In Anything Must Be Improper ! (! التعصب في كل حال مذموم)

in #religion7 years ago


The motto is very famous among the claimants of knowledge in the Middle East who is trained with the breadth of scientific insight.
So taken from that motto, the error of some "sometimes" groups is not a mistake exactly represented by the false word itself. It's sometimes that mistake because of its bigotry by assuming : ONLY I LOOKS ARE RIGHT AND OTHERS WRONG.
It is unfortunate that a "sometimes" opinion and thought is not mistaken, must become a victim and turn into a false only by considering it as the only one who is not mistaken, plus seasoning with a caustic and sour face.

The clergy teach us to respect all the scholars and guard our tongues from crushing their flesh (ghibah/disrespectful language).
This article is not to undermine the ulama that we do not profess, and only uphold the scholars that we profess, once again NO!
We believe the objective truth is only related to standard cases in religion, the rest then the truth is relative, correct in me can be wrong according to you, the number 9⃣ in my opinion, it could be the number 6⃣ according to you, due to the way of view taken from different angles, so sometimes we do not understand that sometimes we are the problem is not the number but from where we look at the angle 🔭.


We put objectively there are six scholars above who say all equals in scholars, then if we have been set of course we will not blame anyone who participate, just do not assume that the other ulama is not true / wrong / heretical / and so on , ALLAHULMUSTA'AAN.. Your mistake does not lie in your obedience to one ulama but lies in the other, even your righteousness does not mean you have to join so many of you, you have the right to join anyone who is a great scholar who
indeed holding on to the Quran and the hadith of the sixth chapter of the Book and walking in the command. scholars of 4 schools. No need to practice this, or should not practice it, let's learn to get rid of bigotry and selfishness in looking at Islam Ahl al-Islam waljama'ah.

One study proves: One of the Shari'ah lecturers in kuwait did a "trial" to his students by changing some of the names of 'ulama against some fatwas. Sheikh Bin Baz's fatwa was replaced by Shaykh Al-Bouthiy, Sheikh Utsaimin he was replaced by Shaykh Asy-Sya'rawiy, Shaikh Shalih Al-Fauzan An-Najdiy he was replaced by Shaykh Al-Ghumari, and others.
Most of the students chose the fatwa of Shaykh Bin Baz, Shaykh Al-Uthaimin, and Shaikh Shalih Al-Fauzan.
When they were asked why they chose the fatwa of Shaykh Bin Baz, Shaykh 'Utsaimin, and Shaikh Shalih Fauzan Al-Fauzan; they replied: for the scholars are above the Qur'an and As-Sunnah, not as the fatwa of Shaykh Al-Bouthiy, Shaykh Asy-Sya'rawiy, and Shaykh Al-Gumari. Then they (the students) are stunned by the Lecturer. Because of the fatwas they chose, they considered fatwas of Shaykh Bin Baz, Shaykh Utsaimin and Shaikh Shalih Fauzan Al-Fauzan (arguing that the fatwas were standing on the Quran and As-Sunnah) were actually Shaykh's fatwa Al-Bouthiy, Shaykh As-Sya'rawi, and Shaykh Al-Ghumari.
Then the lecturer explains to all his students with a logical explanation and touching the heart that they are only following the truth based on the names of characters alone, not based on the proposition and proximity to the Qur'an and As-Sunnah. Such is the fact among the facts that occur in the midst of the people of today. May Allah grant us and they guidance to the straight path. The lecturer was named : Sheikh Dr. Yasir 'Ujail An-Nasymi.

Best Regards

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