Will you willingly lay down your life to defend your faith?

in #religion6 years ago

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This is very difficult to answer for now because it hasn't happened to me yet but if it happens, I hope to lay down my life to defend my faith. There are lots of previous generations who laid their lives down just for the sole purpose of defending their faith with sincerity and hoping for the best reward in the hereafter.

As a Muslim, our sole purpose of existence is to worship God while others comes after that. Since we are also gonna die one day, don't you think it is more preferable to be killed for the purpose of one's faith which is God? This type of death is one of the best death since one is dead for the sake of God and God will surely rewarded such person accordingly.

In conclusion, it's very difficult to tell if one will be willing to give his or her life for the sake of God because it has not happened. I believe in practice other than theory be because most people who may claim to give up their lives for the sake of religion may not be able to do what they claim to do due to the fear of death and the love of this world. I just hope and I wish to be killed for the purpose of my God.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.

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