RE: What Everyone Needs to Know About Victory
Its true that when we are with God we need not fear anything! From my child hood when I used to go for conventions there is a small story which the preachers used to narrate! I dont remember about who was the one narrated it.
It contents like this. 'Every day when I walk on the sand I can see two foots following me. I watch it when I am happy and I realize its your foot steps oh Lord. When I am sad when I need a helping hand I dont see your foot steps following me! Why are you abandoning me when I am in need.
Lord replied to him ' Son/Daughter, when you are sad you see only two foot steps, they are not your foot steps they are mine! You were in my hands and I was carrying you all this while thats why you are seeing only two foot steps!'
All we need is to believe that we are with him.
Yes, it's true @haizil. For without faith it is impossible to please Him.