
Hi @haastrecht, the bible does not say that people who do not obey or believe in God will be unhappy, in fact it may also go extremely well with them. When one believe you will be filled with an inner piece that will make you happy even if it is going bad with you as you know that one day you will be in heaven with your God, this is true happiness no matter what your circumstance are.

U said 1)Happy are those who obey the LORD, who live by His commands.
So i say that's not true. I am not referring to the bible. I am referring to what you are saying. So number 1 had to be every buddy can be happy. You don't have to believe in fary tail to be happy. People that believe in fary trails can also be unhappy. Like if they lose there jobs.

That is called a test of faith for our happiness lies deeper. When your life ends, where will you go? If you think your just a body think again, you are electricity and electricity is only transferred. Happiness is knowing we were created with greater purposes and places in mind after death, to those who follow THE WAY.

of course you call it a test of faith, if you are afraid of something or it cant be explained it is a test of god! that's the easy way ! then you don't have to think about it or something! I cal that real life! and the dead, of course you think you will go to haven, again the easy way thinking it is going to be better. If you are dead its game over so enjoy life at its most and stop going to church and stop praying it just a waste of time!