Know your Heart and find the Universal voice of Creation.

in #religion8 years ago (edited)
The human heart produces enough power in one day to drive a truck 20 miles or 34 kilometer's.

A heart if removed from the body will continue to beat as it has it,s own independent electrical supply.

Every minute your heart pumps 1.5 gallons of blood around your body.

Your heart beat rate mimics and changes according to the music that you listen too.

A heart beats up to 100,000 times a day.

Your heart supplies oxygen and nutrients to 70,000,000 cells in your body, only the cornea of your eye,s are not connected.

A man received a heart from a donor who has committed suicide. He ended up marrying the widow of this donor. But went on to kill himself in the exact same way his heart donor did !

Your vision will only be clear when you look into your heart. They who look outside, Dream. They who look inside, Awaken.

The Human Heart is a pretty amazing thing! Here are some facts that might make you stop and think!


The Human Heart·s Structure and Function.

In humans, the heart is roughly the size of a large fist and weighs between about 10 to 12 ounces (280 to 340 grams) in men and 8 to 10 ounces (230 to 280 grams) in women.

The heart contains electrical "pacemaker" cells, which cause it to contract — producing a heartbeat.

"Each cell has the ability to be the 'band leader' and the ability to make all the others follow.In people with an irregular heartbeat, or atrial fibrillation, every cell tries to be " THE " band leader which causes them to beat out of sync with one another.

A healthy heart contraction happens in five stages. In the first stage (early diastole), the heart is relaxed. Then the atrium contracts (atrial systole) to push blood into the ventricle. Next, the ventricles start contracting without changing volume. Then the ventricles continue contracting while empty. Finally, the ventricles stop contracting and relax. Then the cycle repeats.

But did you know ?

The human heart is a source of electro-magnetism that, even at a few meters away, is detectable by modern scientific instruments

As electricity passes through a metal wire it causes an energy field or magnetic field. In a similar way, human electricity in the brain and nervous system creates human magnetic fields. There are billions of nerve impulses in the body and these are constantly creating complex human magnetic fields.

So does it not follow that our physical heart is built by this centering of power, around our own personal " Heart of Hearts? An electromagnetic receiver of information in our immediate environment. Which perceives this environment through sentient electromagnetic readings and exchanges with other living sentient organisms around?

Science reveals that a human foetus’s heart begins beating before the brain is formed. This ‘auto-rhythm’ suggests the heart to have a self-initiated beat, which precedes conscious thought, dispelling the illusion of the brain’s intellectual function as the foremost principle in the creation of human life - the heart’s beating is the elixir that enervates human consciousness.

The heart has its own independent nervous system with 40,000 neurons, as many as are found in the sub-cortex of the brain. Scientific experimentation at the Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Biology in Philadelphia discovered that when the brain sends orders to the heart, the heart doesn’t obey. Instead, the heart appears to be sending messages back to the brain, and the brain not only understands it obeys. It must be our utmost conviction to allow the power of our hearts to manage our thoughts and feelings, to live to the heartbeat of emotional truth. As we consciously move to the beat of this drum, transformation reveals a bridge between linear thinking and intuitive sensing. This landscape alone provides us with both a greater perception, and a way of creating solutions to face future complexity with greater ease.

The secret chamber of the human heart is where the individual soul attunes to the collective, universal heartbeat, that unites us all through a vast field of intention — that of consciousness. When we choose to love from our heart we enter into a chamber of creation where all things meet and are one with Genesis.

Much before the astronomical cycle of the past 5,125 years, human beings used a form of language completely unlike the present. This language was of the heart. As ancient as the rocks and wind, this mode of communication created a fusion between mind and body, a coherence of both right and left brain hemispheres, and a knowledge of thought and feeling as one.

The transmission centre was the secret chamber of the heart known as the Shante Ishta, the single eye of the heart. Indigenous peoples, such as the Mayan, the Aztec and the Kogi still believe the secret chamber of the heart to be the core of all that is sacred about life.

The 7 Electro-Magnetic Energy centers or Chakras of the Human Soul are Real!

To not know or use them could be bad for your Health and Sense of Well Being!

“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word literally meaning "wheel." These centers were named as such because of the circular shape to the spinning energy centers which exist in our subtle etheric body, the non-material energetic counterpart to our physical body. There are seven main chakras and they are located along the spine extending out the front and back of the body. Each chakra has a number of specific qualities that correspond to the refinement of energy from the base-level material-self identity, located at the first chakras, up to the higher vibration spirit-level awareness of being at our crown. These energetic centers represent our highest level of integration split, prism like, into a spectrum of colors. Our opportunity in studying them is to learn how to master each chakra’s essence and unite them all into a unified field of brilliance. As such, we re-unite our disparate parts into a radian light of full self-awareness.

The openness and flow of energy through our chakras determines our state of health and balance. Knowledge of our more subtle energy system empowers us to maintain balance and harmony on the physical, mental and spiritual level. All meditation and yoga systems seek to balance out the energy of the chakras by purifying the lower energies and guiding them upwards. Through the use of grounding, creating “internal space,” and living consciously with an awareness of how we acquire and spend our energy we become capable of balancing our life force with our mental, physical and spiritual selves.

In order for us to become fully self-realized and in harmony with our physical and spiritual nature our denser lower energies need to be harmonized with the lighter energies of the upper centers. This is to say our survival and base tendencies have to be raised to incorporate a heart-felt spiritual focus expressed in all areas of our being. Indeed, each of the upper-level energies corresponds and refines a lower level counterpart: 7th with 1st, 6th with 2nd, 5th with 3rd. In the center of our being is full integration into the heart.

The Heart give us emotional and intuitive data that helps us govern our lives .The heart always knows best through highest choice.Whereas the head indecisively chatters " Will I ? Should I ? Can I ?
Once our thoughts are balanced and passed through our heart, we reach a " super " coherence, a way of perceiving that unveils our truest magic.Life should be seen as Magic as it is the power of One to the whole of Creation.

When the doors of our perception are opened, we can see life as it truly is........limitless !

William Blake.


interesting story! you have to connect heart and chakras :)

hey thanks @smailer, yes its a good idea to have them in balance if you want to feel well and happy ! )

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