Do you believe in reincarnation? - Reality or fiction ?

in #religion7 years ago (edited)



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Greetings once again, in this opportunity I want to share with you this post, which I will leave as an open debate to get your opinions on this very complicated and at the same time interesting topic, it turns out that I have tried to get information on the subject and I have Meeting with different friends and acquaintances to discuss reincarnation, at one of these meetings talk to a gentleman quite literate in religious and other subjects, I could clarify several doubts and be with many others, during this conversation I could know that in the Bible One can interpret in one of his passages that if it is feasible the existence of reincarnation when in Matthew 17: 9-12 it leaves us thinking about a possible YES! I present the fragment of the text for analysis.


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9 When they came down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, Tell no one the vision until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.

10 And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elijah must first come?

11 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily, Elijah cometh first, and shall restore all things.

12 But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not know him, but they did with him all that they wanted; So also the Son of Man shall suffer from them.

13 Then the disciples realized that he had told them about John the Baptist.


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It is after reading this passage that it aroused my curiosity about the subject, but thanks to the company of this friend who continued to guide me in my desire to learn more, who told me that I attended a school called the Magnetic-Spiritual School of Universal Commune that followed the spiritualist doctrines of Joaquín Trincado Mateo even more interest in reading about this character, nowadays the school is without generation Of relief since its participants are mostly of advanced age something that caused intrigue in me because they really handle great information of different subjects with bases in great scale inventions and different testimonies of experiences, among them this and according to these we come To earth continually, in different lives and for different purposes, and this theory is managed by other cultures and religions of which we can speak in another opportunity D.

Tell me about the spiritual regressions that are made by people with special gifts, that allow us to go to past lives and to know more of us to help us in our present life.

Really surprising to know our past life, well if it really happened ... ???

In the dialogue with my friend, he told me that our purpose on earth according to his studies is to come to evolve (Learning) to be able to continue advancing in the evolution of our planet and our universe and if we make a slight interpretation of these words we realize That since the beginning of the function of the earth this is what has been happening, we have progressed more and more.

What is your opinion on the subject? And what information do you have about it?

I hope you can express your opinion on the subject and enjoy it.

Note: Magnetic-Spiritual School of the Universal Commune helps in the development of gifts as seers, mediums among others, this school was founded on September 20, 1911 by Joaquín Trincado Mateo


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