John = Maria

in #religion5 years ago (edited)

I found out that John is really Maria. We have to get it right after many many years of mirroring from the Vatican. Maria = Moon - - > Nature.
Would John cuddle an other man?

That is clearly a woman. Not a man.
You all know the picture in which God tries to touch ADAM'S hand?

Here is my interpretation Adam did not lift up his hand and if you really look close between both hands. You see that God is not trying to touch his hand. He shows us the background and in the background is Eve not hills you can see her breasts. Also God comes in a uterus. So we have to decide us! Do we wanna go the way to the sun and man religion (WAR and FIRE) or do we choose the religion of the moon and woman (PEACE LOVE HARMONY NATURE). I will choose the moon. More interesting stuff on that will follow soon.
Da vinci too as he was clearly a cathar. He believed that Maria was holy.

This is a picture of the last judgment Jesus showing up and down. Just like:

I don't wanna say that Jesus was evil but the Vatican is using him to praise evil!
That's it for today!

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First of all John the Baptist is not John the favourite disciple of Jesus, and many more mistakes... better leave it, or study careful... the Bible alone give all the answers. Many other sources just try to confuse us and deliver half the truth.

Oh you are right I just checked that. But John is Maria (in DaVincis belief, that was right.) other mistakes? I would love to know your thoughts. It's too long ago to proof either this or that.. I only know that the Vatican is twisting things up very long. Thank you for your reply.

The Roman church had and still has many satanists/luciferians (especially the higher up you go). These images have nothing to do with what it means to have a personal relationship with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Quite often, religious art from the period you include images from are promoting gnostic ideas, that purport to convey Truth but don't.

Additionally, a lot of sculpture in the Vatican was pagan originally but renamed to represent Christian figures. It is all idolatrous (using substitutes for God, rather than having a relationship with God directly).

Many times, artists have been employed by those who are not truly following Jesus and are told to paint certain things. Other times, the artists themselves follow a hidden agenda to promote deceptive ideas.

No one should use DaVinci or any artists as a source of information about Jesus and his life.

You are right, nobody can even tell if there is a God. I am sure there is something like a creator. But nobody can prove this as well. We have to wait for the ultimate proof. My religion is to be good to mother nature and other human beeings. And I know that worshipping the devil isn't good. Even if he doesn't exist.

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There is a point that one can say there is a God, and that's when they know God personally in a relationship. There is proof but it's only direct proof, i.e. one person at a time and if a person seek the Creator/Truth in the first place.

Somehow you know worshipping the devil isn't good so there is something you've discerned already, even though you might not necessarily have proper proof of why.

Even people who Satan, the devil or Lucifer do good so there is something more than doing good...

Good luck on your journey :)

Satanists are such fools. You can burn in hell with the devil and his angels if you want.

What are you trying to say? I am no Satanist.

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