woman of the kingdom

in #religion6 years ago


Woman get up as a warrior who struggles to recover the original intention for which you were created. When God created man, everything was possible. The mentality of Adam was the mentality of God, nothing was impossible for him; I had no limit.


Genesis 1: 1-2; 26-27.- "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form and void, and the darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters." 26 "Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and in the fish of the sea, and in the birds of the air, and in the cattle, and in all the earth, and in all the animals that creep on the earth, and God created man in his image, an image of God created him, male and female he created them. "


Adam sinned and the DNA of God placed in Adam was removed. From the supernatural I happen to live in the natural. But, the Second Adam, that is, JESUS ​​came to rescue what the devil took from man.

Let's define rescue:

RESCUE = Renew, reconcile, be born again, return to the original, without limit.

Religion, society, culture, beliefs have prevented God from making changes in us. If you do not believe him, your Faith is limited. God has no limits. Everything is possible for God, not for man.

God is not a man to lie (Numbers 23:19), He said it and will do it. WOMAN is in you if you BELIEVE God or man.


One that is hardly spoken of in the bible of "The Woman of LOT" who lived for herself. And the other one that lived for the kingdom "JAEL".

"The Woman of Lot"

Genesis 19:17; 26.- And when they had taken them outside, they said: Escape for your life; do not look after you, do not stop in all this plain; escape to the mountain, lest you perish. 26.- Then the LOT woman looked back, behind him, and became a statue of salt.

The woman of LOT, did not have a name, in the bible or is mentioned, only as a complement to her husband. She is one more, nothing of importance. It has no identity, it passes without being recognized.

Disobedient woman, who does not take seriously the specific order of the Angel. Obviously, he lives from the past and his heart clings to the pleasures of Sodom that is to say of the world); which it was difficult to leave.

His heart was still in Sodom (in earthly things) and therefore the bonds of the soul. Your past becomes your call, and it delays all your walking when you are in the best of God.

In the New Testament, Lot's Woman is mentioned as a warning, a person we need to be alert to:

Luke 17: 32.- "Remember the woman of LOT."

The tragic mistake of LOT's wife was to set her sights on an earthly society instead of the heavenly one.

You have to avoid using all means to become the Woman of Lot. Evaluate yourself:

If you have no hope for tomorrow; you will not be able to fight, you have no vision. When your future depends on your past you can never go forward. For Faith to be active you have to have hope. Your safety is not what you were, but what you are now. Contrary to hope is CONFORMISM.

CONFORMITY.- It's comfort, accept your situation where it is, how it is (I do not care). Being conformist, you are limiting God.

When you are conformist, what you hear: "It's very difficult" "I can not" "Excuses. And more excuses. " Being different makes your life meaningful. Let God be God in your life.

Everything is possible for God, not for man. Religion has limited God. He has always wanted to reveal himself to man. If you do not believe him, Faith is limited.




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